What to do with a 2-Set early in the Night?

 So the scenario is

  • Night Game
  • 2-Set
  • The chicks are into the conversation
  • Early in the night
  • He wants to dance (and keep the vibe going)
  • They don’t want to dance, because no one is on the dance floor.
  • Player doesn’t drink
  • Girl offers to buy him a drink
  • He Declines
  • He misses the texts from the girls, whilst he’s dancing.

What did he do right?  What could he have done to salvage the situation? 

Stuff He did Right

    • Night Game – if hooking up is the goal, short of flying into a new country, this is the best bet.
    • Approached and got into the social hook phase of the 2 set – fearless, demonstration of social skills
    • Apparently got the phone # during the 2 set – A very smart move, as most guys will bounce after getting the phone #
    • Has the ability to dance.  – I think this is essential for night game, but others differ.  In a world where most guys can not dance, much less want to, this is a relatively easy “unfair competitive advantage”.

So in terms of a night game interaction, this has a good start.

The real practical problem here is what to do with an interested 2 set early in the night. 

But the Rookie is concerned with not responding properly to the drink offer…

It is very symbolic for a girl to offer to buy a man a drink.  But a lot of girls are not intentionally playing a game of symbols and gestures.

As players, we can only guess what’s happening in the chick’s mind. 

Even if you were to ask her what she’s thinking, chances are very good that 1) she would have to think about what she was thinking, 2) she would tell you something that makes her look good.

In my experience

    • She’s not consciously thinking to herself, if She buys a JB and Coke for this guy, he’s going to be more interested…
    • She might be the drink buying type of female. (rare)
    • She might be trying to do some reverse psychology, and seeing if he will swap roles with her and get 3 drinks  (not as rare, but still not the norm – unless you’re in a place that’s full of Pros)

But more likely, unconsciously, she’s added him into the “circle of friends” – that circle only exists for the night.

The cute girl is probably getting dozens, if not hundreds, of male-to-female interactions on any given night.

Per Chris Rock, anything a man does for a woman is an offer for some D.

David Buss (#1 Evolutionary Psychologist) – offers that women not noticing a man’s advances is part of how she’s able to cope.

Because we will never know what a girl is thinking, because she might not know, and because she will be deceptive (as all humans are that try to game the system) taking a favorable interpretation of her actions, allows us to move forward.

In this case, even if he thinks that he did not react properly, his mind for the game should tell him that – that was a positive signal, and I should go find those girls in the venue and reconnect.

One thought on “What to do with a 2-Set early in the Night?”

  1. WIA:

    1. The phrase: “Stolen from me” = an entitlement mentality. This will hurt him in the medium and long-term when his thirst and ego kicks in when dealing with a chick that has any savvy.

    2. Were these women good prospects = meaning, did he establish logistics first for a SNL or just staying in contact in general.

    3. And of course, what exactly did she text?

    4. Naturally, be talking to other women (and guys) in the venue building up instant social proof.


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