Occupational Hazards

So What Do You Do?


Question came up on the forum.

I think new players typically treat this question as a “Test”.  Tests require clever answers.

A Square, a guy not even aware of the game, just says, “I’m a credit analyst at a bank” “I’m a mechanic” and they look to the girl for reaction, ideally approval.

If it’s something the girl understands what he does, and she’s feeling him, “Ooh great, I always need a good mechanic”

^Now before we get really deep into this topic, let’s just break apart this seemingly innocuous statement.

On one level, she’s excited and giving the guy validation.  On another level, she’s the one who’s giving validation.  And on yet another level, some girls see the guys they meet as tools for their own ends.  She finds out what you do, and she already has a role for you to fill in her life.

Unconsciously (?), she’s already trying to use you.

I wonder if you said porn star what her reaction might be? lulz

Back to the new players. The young players typically don’t answer the question like a square.   They have been made aware that women judge how you respond to this question.

Where new players typically falter, is that they focus on the literal communication, but not the sub-communication.  Guys that get it focus on the sub-communication.

newbs – answer “smart ass”

journey men – answer smart

vets consider the context, the specific interaction, the timing, her tone, whether he’s passed certain goal posts, and he understands her subcommunication.  Hostile or Pleasant, he then takes what she wants to know and uses it to his advantage.

So here’s how I handle it

I working in a high prestige/high income field, but my actual work is low prestige/middle income.   Technically the janitor @ Google works in Tech.

So when girls ask me this question, I haven’t personally made peace with what I do all day. (In fact, I spend a lot of my days plotting my way out, as well as doing what I truly love – and that’s writing)

Because it causes me pain to deal with this, that angst/anxiety telegraphs itself.  So at first I was doing a lot of the above.

– one liners
– flippant answers
– never being serious
– changing the subject
– flipping it around and accusing her of something
– being very honest
– answering a different question than she asked (the politician)

Sometimes this was fine, sometimes it was fatal.

But my game has grown since those days.  Even if my job has not gotten much better.

For 1, I recognize the setting and when during the approach the question comes.   If she’s coming at me hostile or friendly or if she’s just passing the time – I see this question as an opportunity to get closer to getting in to her pants.

Pretty much any of the common shit tests should be seen as OPPORTUNITIES.  It’s like you exactly know what’s going to be on the final exam, why wouldn’t you have a A+ answer?

Second, having done this for a while, I recognize that girls have an insatiable need for novelty.  They need “new feels” all the fucking time.  Girls get jaded quickly.  And guys respond with the same basic ways all the time.

You might “pass” the test by being clever or switching the frame…but I want to blow her mind.

More often than not, I like taking innocent questions and just drawing her deeper into my web.  When a chick is hostile or indifferent, this overarching strategy of taking her lame tests and bringing her into a new space works to the point that she looks at me different.

Third, If I give her the truth directly, indirectly, it might change the way she feels about me.  If I don’t give her the truth now, eventually she’ll come back to it.   Your work is not something that’s easy to be vague about.  If you have anything with this chick, just time wise and attention wise work is going to come up.  She doesn’t need to know the details though.

So how I used to do it.

*night game, girl is open, seems positive*
WIA – “The bread pudding is magnifique!” (in a french accent cause I think it’s funny)

Chica – “So what do you do?”

WIA – “Banker, but they cover the bread pudding with this brown sugar and bourbon sauce, and it’s like big as the whole plate.  It gets all over your fingers, and your lips.  Son…you gotta go to this spot…”

The key is that I don’t dwell on it, but I continue with my passion.

And this was okay.   I could have a high prestige job, a chick would remark to herself that I was humble about it, and didn’t lead with it.   That’s what most guys do.  They lead with their big job, big car, big house.  When i’ve had those things I tried that shit too. (this was despite knowing game) And all that ever did was put me in the provider category.   LTR or FB, you have to fuck her fast.  Provider category is the slow train.

I’d spend a few seconds redirecting the conversation to something sensual. (because i want to move the ball closer to sex)

I kept getting this question, and it kept sticking.

So I went back to the essence.

Game is all about what’s not being spoken, but what is being said.
I’m trying to bang her body, but I need her mind first.

What is she sub-communicating to me?
What can I sub-communicate back to her to move the ball forward.

So now, I improvise the words everytime, but my structure is this,  at most this whole thing takes a minute.

“So what do you do”

WIA – I like smart/perceptive girls.

(you can ask her if she’s smart? or you can just make the statement)

(smart works for dumb chicks – they want to feel smart, perceptive is better for smart ones – they like to touch other stuff, and dumb girls might not know perceptive, lol)

WIA – I’ll give you some clues

*puts one hand up*

*she should put a hand up*

WIA – “Feel my hands, are they soft or rough”

– give her a command
– get *her* to initiate and break the touch barrier
– give her an easy question to answer
– opportunity to comment on her soft hands, “someone here never does dishes*

WIA *move her hands to the bicep* “Big or small”
– if she says big, I tell her that she’s not perceptive (tease)
– if she says small, I tell her that she’s trying to hurt my feelings and needs to make it up to me later (projecting a future with her and me in it)

WIA – *move hand to the fro* (might be hard to adapt for you straight haired guys) – Either I’m really good at my job so I can look like this, or my job doesn’t really matter that much and they just need a warm body

WIA- Now you’ve heard me talk.  I’m pretty shy.  What do you think I do?
I have faith in you, i think you’ll figure it out.

———-  Well you get the picture.


Opening Two Sets Is Easy, Closing is the Problem

Handling a Two Set in Game

You hit your favorite venue.  The staff knows your name when you enter the spot.


Got your Indochino on…after 4-5 suits, they finally got your pattern down.  Smelling like the most expensive thing that Sephora has to offer, You’re feeling yourself. …and then you see them.

Two smoking hot chicas, dressed to kill, in your place of worship.  One is obviously cuter than the other.  They’re engaged in some chit chat, but you can feel that the cute one likes you.

How does a player handle this situation?

The average player basically has two thoughts on this.


sniper approachI’m going to observe these young ladies, and then wait for the moment when the cute one separates from the less attractive one and then make my move!!

The veteran knows that when two girls come to a venue together, they’re attached at the hip.  Sniper style approaches are only useful in situations where you can not be seen talking to  a girl. (Like her wedding)

The Guns Blazing Approach

Guns Blazing Approach

“I’m going to just go in guns blazing and approach the one I like”.   You’d think that this is the weaker of the two common strategies, but sometimes the one you want to talk to  is receptive

With no other options, or other ways to think about the issue, this is how you can do it.

Thinking Outside the Box

How does a veteran think about this issue?

The problem of the two set is not present with a girl on her own, or three girls, or a mixed group.   The issue is that there’s a dynamic between the two girls.

So you have to recognize the social dynamic, and then figure out how to use that to your advantage.

Here’s a classic way to handle it, it’s called the Best Friends Test


Here’s how the written version.  (Don’t you hate it when folks have you watch a video?  Dude, I’m at work…)

Best Friend Test

Style goes on to say that after you open the two set this way you can really start tap into their frequency and get all sorts of intel from the two of them.

Best friends?  Are you sisters?

“You two are terrible, I bet your best friends”

  • accusation
  • put them on notice
  • put them on defense
  • your playful mood CAN make them playful

The key here is the that you have to approach an interact with the two girls as one.

To be honest, opening them is the easy part.

Lemme paraphrase another 2 set opener that I read recently.

You see two chicks.  and then…

WIA – “You know anything about drama?  Dig this.  One of the homies been with his chick for a good 4 months.  They make the cutest couple. ”

*stand with girl A, grab her hand, lean on her like a boyfriend*

But then they sort of broke up all of a sudden.

A’s “friend’, more like a frienemy is always up in Ol Boy’s face, So Bertha gets with my boy after Agatha breaks up with him.

Should Agatha be mad?  They did break up.

So the idea here is

  • Talk about a social situation
  • You can get into roleplaying
  • Make sure you get kino with Girl A and Girl B

There are situations where it’s actually difficult.  Two seated chicks having what looks like to be a heart to heart conversation is probably the hardest situation that a player sees on a regular basis. These rude chicks are ruining fun environments by being serious, and then are pushing away the world to stay in serious mode.

Isolation of the Target in a Two Set

….Great, now that you’ve opened the two of them and they’re talking to you…HOW DO YOU GET ONE?

Wait…before you focus on one….


Maybe you can bag both.  (Vicky Cristina Barcelona)

Overall, you’ve got some options.

  1. Recruit a Wing Man
    1. Be very careful, a bad wingman can kill everything
  2. Recruit the Crowd by merging the Set.
    1. That is ask a question that they *can’t* seem to answer, and just grab a stranger.  “Hey Stranger, We’re trying to settle a bet….figure this out…”
    2. From there
  3. Engage both, show one more attention but be respectful of the other one, and get the contact information.
  4. Neutral Close them both, call the one you want. m “Yeah, we should totally get together on that thing I was talking about”

Still a tough situation.

– Archie