Do you understand how this joke works?
There are a few players
- The Elephant
- The Cops who don’t want to see the elephant, and won’t let you get out of your ticket
- The Victim
- The Audience
So the crew/cops pull over the victim. The victim thinks to herself that I must have done something wrong, or I haven’t done anything wrong. The cop acts like a cop.
And then this pink elephant with yellow spots walks in the background.
Predictably, the victim tries to redirect the cop’s attention, but the cop being a cop is not falling for it. When the cop finally does, the elephant is nowhere to be seen – thus proving that the cop was right not to believe the victim.
This cycles a few times, and the audience is the only one in on the joke. The audience sees the humor, the exasperation, and frustration.
So the humor is really for the viewing audience, why do they then show the audience the shot of the victim seeing the camera?
Clearly when the victim sees the camera, there’s a huge sigh of relief that they experience – but the tension is also relieved with the viewing audience.
This is the sort of thing I think about when it comes to game. How can I use these sort of social rules to make emotional impact on the girl.
At the theory level, this involves two sets, with your target girl being the audience. You run your flim flam on some cute chick. She’s tense, she’s bouncing around, and then you relieve the tension. Your target sees this, and her own tension is relieved.
So there’s really not much more to it – and this is just coming at Group Theory/Pawn Theory from another angle.
Interesting post…
So in summary you’re saying that you want “Prime Target” to notice you being the socially confident/charming alpha. Guiding a target of lesser value* through a series of emotions (good & bad) and also notice how YOU handle it.
Therefore when you do approach “Prime Target” your chances increase exponentially.
*we are all individually attracted to different things
That is one way to think about it. I focus more on the “holding court” aspect of game.
If you can can corral a group’s attention, Call it Group 1 – you can then raise your profile with every other group in the venue.
You can also “split the group”. The classic way to do this, though not explicit, is to approach a mixed group.
Even if you weren’t trying to do this, ALWAYS Talk to the guys first.
You show some dudes some cool stuff – and they’ve been disarmed against you.
Chicks HAVE to be at the center of attention.
When she goes for you, any of them, maybe not even the target, you can then use them as the hapless victim, as everyone else is the audience.
This raises your profile with the target, because it shows social mastery.
But the key here isn’t so much the implementation – but the looking at how people’s minds work, and exploiting that.
It’s about building the tension with the audience and with the target.