On the subject of persuasion, there’s a near-unanimous consensus among neuroscientists: Stories are the single best vehicle we have to transfer our ideas to one another. Stories trigger a release of neurochemicals that force us to pay attention to speakers, empathize with them, understand them, and get excited about their ideas. Humans not only crave stories, we need to hear them.
Players, preachers, pimps, and politicians have known for millennia that stories are powerful. But triggering neurochemicals?
Speaking of narrative – young players out there understanding the power of narrative.
I could do a full TL DR, but basically give her a nickname during the initial # pull, and then reference/do call back humor during the text.
“Refers to a man who is younger than his girlfriend, whose qualities in the eyes of his lover include being simple, naive, considerate, and caring—and most importantly, loyal and clingy, just like a pet.”
Those who feel greater certainty that a prospective romantic partner reciprocates their interest will put more effort into seeing that person again, while rating the possible date as more sexually attractive than they would if they were less certain about the prospective date’s romantic intentions.
Hey, fellas
I’m talking to you, you and you too
Do you guys know who I’m talking to?
Those of you who go out and stay
Out all night and half the next day
And expect us to be home
When you get there
But let me tell you something
The sisters are not going for that no more
‘Cause we realize two things
That you aren’t doing anything for us
We can better do by ourselves
So from now on, we gonna use What we got to get what we want
I try not to do much of the red pill shit on my own site. Between Rollo, the Forum, and all the other places – it’s real easy to generate a hate towards women.
The basic idea of the Red Pill was society has programmed us, and we should strive to break out of the programming. By doing so, once we see the matrix, we know what the rules are, when to follow, when to break, and when to redesign. The original incarnation of the Red Pill under PUA doctrine in the late 90’s/early 00’s – was that it was possible to run the dating game in “God Mode”.
Now? Not so much. If you believe what our community says, we’re feminizing boys and masculinizing girls. That’s not some byproduct or side-effect, but the goal of the “powers” that be. (Something about Soros, I dunno, ask Roseanne.)
If comedy exists to dismantle power, it ought to be dominated by the people who are most familiar with disempowerment. Teenage girls—who are routinely sexualized, bullied, and made to question their own intelligence—certainly fit the bill.
Wait, what?
Another one
The radical Australian feminist whose theory of man-made language argues that language and discourse conventions are created and enforced by men, for men’s advantage
So why do we tremble when we hear the words, “We need to talk.”
One more for good measure
“Boys are definitely more likely to share their opinions in class,” says Heard, noting that political debates are particularly fraught. “They almost want to get humiliated, like they want to make a joke out of themselves. For boys it’s like, if they make a good point, they make a good point. But if they don’t, then it’s still funny for all their friends, it’s still a win.
This is their social lens. Talking about stuff in class is about “winning”
And this is the professional that they leave us with
Objectively, the chick is well endowed. But as anyone breathing who’s seen women perform comedy – it’s almost always body/bodily function/relationship humor. For folks that have been “oppressed” why are most of the jokes about breasts, blow jobs and bowel movements?
This ain’t the funniest thing in the world – but it’s funny – and not gendered
“There was a vibrancy back then. People would see us running but they’d be OK with it. Because we were young. We were allowed to take up space. You think you’ll act young forever but the rules change. Your audience won’t allow it. We’re programmed to see older people a certain way. You can almost chart it on a graph. You disappear as you age and the world notices you less and less. And it makes you realize how much energy you got from being noticed.”
Most folks will home in on “programmed”. But the game thing I grab from this is the last line
how much energy you got from being noticed
Incels have been in the news lately, and as distinguished gentlemen we are always taking advantage of “Attention whor hounds”.
Both seem to be two sides of the same coin.
A trick I learned from an old school player. What do you do, when she starts complaining?
Holmes was also vengeful. After firing her first chief financial officer, Henry Mosley, for questioning the accuracy of information she was presenting to potential investors, Holmes found out via the IT department that he had once used his work computer to browse pornography.
She said that discovery was the reason for Mosley’s termination, even though it took place after he was let go. Holmes used the claim to deny Mosley his stock options.
Once? I mean….
Hmm, this next part sounds like someone I know
“Focus on anyone in the room that seemed to have her back, and could often convince them that the skeptics were the problem.”
Another tidbit…
Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani…. Balwani became president and chief operating officer of Theranos, a position from which he made impossible demands and fired anyone who pushed back on them. Portrayed by Carreyrou as a garrulous bullshitterwho had none of Holmes’ knack for attracting acolytes, Sunny was disliked within the company and distrusted by investors. Also, he and Holmes were a couple.
*sly smile*
It gets better
In her freshman year at Stanford, Holmes showed up at her boyfriend’s dorm to break things off. It wasn’t personal, she told him: She was starting a business, and needed to put all of her attention on that
I bring this up for the game tidbits – but a lot of the “luminaries” in our society
George W. Bush
Steve Jobs
Amy Winehouse
All have these “hypnotic” ways of interacting with people. They have a little bit of merit, build a little bit of an audience, and then make each of their people into disciples by speaking to them in such a way that’s inspiring.
This is a day that I usually take off. A day of atonement.
Just last week? Wrapped up another podcast with the 2 Youts Tryin’ a Ting, the brethen Moma and Rudebwoy. Can’t wait for it to drop and get some feedback.
Moma asked some tough questions.
Game vs Sales – A guy that is good at all kinds of sales, getting strangers to buy things that they don’t need – should be good at pulling chicks.
What I know about sales, having done sales, and having met a # of sales people – they don’t tend to be the same sort of guys that really understand women, women’s behavior, and the seduction process.
Let’s consider this guy
Without a doubt, B has inspired millions. Were he so inclined, he could point at a chick and it’s basically over.
Who can forget this shot?
As a political leader, man in the spotlight, supreme Alpha for 8 years, his game was so far advanced, understanding of human nature….
But there’s a story about a young Obama, talking to a crowd of political types. He had them so whipped up. Some random chick invites herself to his hotel room and she tries to seduce him. But Barry is a boy scout.
So even though he has the skills – it’s more than just skills.
That’s how I generally feel about good salesman. Just because you can create a buying mood situation – doesn’t mean you can do it with a woman. Understanding the bigger picture is a key part of doing what it necessary.
The other big question that they asked was about the end game.
I’m in my 40’s. I don’t find pulling chicks particularly difficult. The basic sequence will always be the same, even when you change mediums from offline to online. You have to get her attention, You have to attract her, She has to chase you. Once that’s accomplished, it’s just working out logistics.
But having been through too many women of all kinds to count – what is MY end game?
That’s a deeper question. I’ve definitely had my fair share of long term relationships. I basically learned a lot about myself and women in general, just by dealing with one woman for an extended period of time.
The basic rule is that your game is strongest when you aren’t invested in any one girl. And what that means is that girls try much harder to please you, to bring you into their orbit, if you have more than a few options. She doesn’t need to see you with other girls – your behavior with her, your “nonchalance” breaks her pattern that she usually sees from guys.
But once she does meet your price, and you decided to throw in your lot wit hers – the dynamic changes. Her power grows relative to yours.
That’s when the game breaks for me.
I’ve been with enough chicks at this point, where her behavior is far more important than what she looks like and the sex.
What’s she bringing to the table?
And that’s where I find myself.
I know what it takes to be in a relationship, and I ask myself, do I want to pay that price. More often than not, I don’t.
As I mentioned on the thread and over @ Rollo’s, I’ve been “trolling” reddit.
These boys on Reddit need help. The Red Pill group is slightly better than the Seduction group, but they care more about “destroying feminism” than bagging chicks.
For the slow pokes – this is bagging chicks as simple as possible
Continuous Self Development
Finding the Right Places to Go
Getting your own exit logistics sorted
Meeting and Befriending Staff for two purposes – to not get thrown out, to have people to introduce the girl too.
Spotting girls and assessing the situation
Stepping Up and Getting Her Attention
Whatever your attraction style is
Handling the girls friends, obstacles, and her logistics
Building Trust by introducing her to people (like the ones that work at the bar, see above) and moving around the bar, to new locations.
A slight bit of arousal.
Giving her a good excuse to leave with you.
Leaving (see getting your logistics sorted out)
Getting home, increasing the arousal, and finally
READING THE BIBLE. (This is a family blog)
That’s it. That’s all it will ever be. Daytime, in Addis Ababa, Social Circle. The only thing that is considerably different is so-called online game.
And at the highest altitude, Steps 1-5 are about qualifying your prospect, advertising, selling your prospect in person, answering objections, and then finally closing. So it could look a lot like online game or sales, except the practical applications are different.
But these Seddit boys don’t want to hear it. They want to use some sort of magic trick to make the girl at the college library fall in love with them.
They get a number from a super excited girl, and then fail to realize she’s not gonna be super excited text from some random # that say’s “Sup”.
In that respect it’s been very instructive, cause I haven’t really rapped with young dudes just getting their feet wet in a long time.
For the past 6 months or so, I’ve been retooling my verbal game.
So the basic sequence from MM was
I think the overall model of how to pull is right, but I’ve got a fetish for comprehension – so I think the words are wrong.
Here’s how I think about it.
Draw Her Into a Cycle of Validation
Build Trust
Sort of the same thing, but this really just tells you about my game, my thinking process. And less about the “essential” nature of the game. (whatever that may be)
I am deliberately trying to draw a picture in the girl’s mind when I talk to her. The same way Nas can paint a picture of NYC in NY State of Mind.
From part 3
If you knew my streets
You would know all everybody talk about is who got beef
Who’s snitchin’, who told police
Who came home, who’s still gone, who rest in peace
Now they killin’ over music money, not drugs, rap replaced it
Cause thugs with no brains got no patience
New jacks I pistol whip ’em with the funky rhythm I be kickin’
Musician, inflictin’ composition of pain
I’m like Saddam Hussein
Still alive, lookin’ at his dead children’s burnt remains
I birthed the game, learned you lames a new lesson
Your crew’s soft man, y’all need some new weapons
The Ps breed warriors in skullies and Timbies
Around micks, spics, niggas, and guineas
So that’s what I’m doing. And to this end, I’m reading a lot more about film, writing plays, comedy, magic, illusion, etc.
Given that a writer can conjure up a dragon or a far away galaxy with the flick of a pen – how do film/tv makers convince you that this flat 2 dimensional set of moving lights is real life?
Special Effects, Lighting, Music……..
I came from the pick up era where lines and scripts were the preferred way to pull.
Honestly, I could only remember a line or two of someone else’s stuff – but I absorbed the idea – what the stories meant. So I would take my own personal stories, and then punch them up so that they grab an audience better.
To that end, this is a nice piece from the chicks @ ScreenPrism.
0:48 – “Faking empathy to make them open up”
1:59 – She breaks down the power play between Ed Kemper (Serial Killer) and the Agent.
This scene, this filmed capture of two actors doing their best work, – this thing convinces the viewer that this is real. This creates the ‘spell’.
And a lot of the spell is not in the words themselves, but in the expressions and the reactions and shifts in position between the two.
Y’all know me by now. I’ve basically internalized all the steps to basic seduction. What gets me excited game wise, is new paths to the same place.
This is a passage from a guy that I think is really into philosophy. I came across the post because someone on Reddit asked about the best autobiography about game. (Casanova). In the middle of that search, there’s something about Casanova (a real person) versus Don Juan (a fictional person created in a play).
The key difference between their seduction styles is that Casanova is a thinker and Don Juan is a narcissist.
Here’s the link – http://branemrys.blogspot.com/2012/04/don-juan-and-casanova.html
This blog is primarily a Casanova style blog…or is it? Peep this analysis of Don Juan.
There’s a longstanding literary trope about the danger of a woman falling in love with herself. Perhaps the purest form of this is Milton’s Eve. Newly created and newly awake, Eve looks around and discovers her equal when she accidentally looks into a pool. Because she is brand new and doesn’t understand the concept of a reflection yet, she is delighted at the beauty and vivacity of her new companion. God informs her of her mistake and tells her that her true companion is coming; she looks up, sees Adam — and finds him a little disappointing. Of course, being completely innocent, she quickly learns to enjoy him for his own sake and love him for all the things she is not, but it is also a foreshadowing of the weakness — it is not yet a flaw — that will eventually be her downfall: her attention can be drawn by a sufficiently attractive image of herself, and this is precisely what the Serpent will exploit, by giving her a mental image of herself that is splendid and telling her that she can be that if she will only taste a bit of fruit. Eve’s circumstances are unusual; only in her case can the trope be that blatant, because only she can look at her own image with complete innocence and no self-doubt. But more complicated variations of the trope are easy enough to find. But it is precisely this trope on which the character of Don Juan builds: women are seduced by him because the fall in love with the image of woman — feminine, but also passionate, unrestrained, devoted to pleasure — that they see in him.
They want to be with him because they want to be him.
And, of course, he is narcissistic: what he delights in when he looks in his lover’s eyes is not his lover or her eyes but how impressive he looks reflected in them. Thus she pursues herself as reflected in him as he pursues himself reflected in her. Seduction becomes a sort of interpersonal narcissism, in which Don Juan is irresistible to women because (in terms of literary stereotypes) he is exactly what a woman would be if a woman just happened to be a man.
The whole piece is good.
How do we incorporate this? Should we? Do we already?
For the veteran player, developing the mechanics of game is relatively straight forward
Preparation of Mind, Body, and Soul
Disable Obstacles
Build Trust
Get Some Privacy
Read the Bible
Get her to think it was her idea, and he’s the victim!
To all of this, there are assumptions, there are pre-requisites – but this is basically all you need for a proper pull. From start to close, this is basically what it looks like.
Even if the chick is throwing her panties at at the man, all the man does is skip the first few steps and the proceed with the sequence. Guys that don’t know game end up following this path, because the sequence is normal and natural.
So when I read something like this, I realize that Don Juan and Casanova are just “skins” to the overall process. It’s a style. It’s a preference of the player.
BUT (and it’s a big but) – the style has effects that aren’t immediately noticeable.
For those who haven’t read Casanova – his seduction is basically trapping a chick with words and social conventions. By contrast, Don Juan plays to her ego.
The immediate result is what you would expect, they both get together. And that’s all that freshman players look for. Indeed, direct game is usually the best thing to learn first (and it will also make your painfully aware of where you are in the “5 second market”)
The veteran on the other hand, wants the “connection” to happen in a certain way. Part of that is his Ego, the other part is dealing with what are obvious consequences of spreading the gospel to those not yet ready to receive.
To bring it back to the piece – in terms of game advice – make yourself like HER in behavior- has pretty much been incorporated in all sectors of the game, but rarely is it discussed as such.
I can see the book right now and the resultant outrage in the manosphere
“Act like a woman in order to get a woman”
But isn’t that what’s already been happening? You got all these guys out there dieting and eating “clean” to get a six pack. She does the same thing so that she has a flat tummy.
Do you realize how hard it is to find a picture of this stuff that isn’t selling sex?
Plenty of guys focus heavily on their appearance. All that banter and stuff we talk about – usually the best content comes from traditional women’s interest, and the manner of delivery is how women talk to each other.
So if we take a Don Juan approach to the game, what else could we find?