Guy Frequents a Gentleman’s Club

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by inpickup

To summarize it – a former bartender that frequents gentleman’s clubs to drink and occasionally spend a few dollars on stage girls has attracted a 19 year old worker.  She makes the first move, and gives him her contact information – Instagram.  He does not have IG but creates an account on the spot. He’s now stuck in the loop of text based seduction.

I can feel you cringe through my monitor.

So I replied with some tough love, but I did want to expand on this topic a bit.

As I explained in the post, though it’s possible to honestly connect with a girl that’s working – it’s not something to bank on.

The plays with a hired gun/xes worker

    • You’re in actively the biz yourself (and you invite her to your bar)

    • You’re really physically attractive

    • You’re offline famous (or online famous in something that she’s into)

    • Bisexual GF/GFS or/and Coca Cola (if you use drug game, she can get weed, weed is what you use for civilian girls not hired guns and not sex workers)

    • Some other stripper at her job wants you, and she gets wind of it.

In general, the real way to meet a xes worker (cam girl, stripper, pro, sugarbaby, etc) is to meet them in real life, off duty, where you don’t know she’s a professional.  That’s how I’ve met them, and connected.  Everything is “Even Steven”.

Shout out to @DriftWrench.

I think the comments should be open…

5 thoughts on “Guy Frequents a Gentleman’s Club”

  1. WIA:

    Over on Reddit you wrote:

    “Instead, you’re installing IG to get at this broad. She’s totally in control of your feelings, of your lust. To the point that you’re asking internet strangers how to reel her in.”

    Isn’t this the grand paradox and virtuous cycle with online Game forums. A man had a terrible or ineffective experience with a woman (could be “text game,” “escalation” or whatever) and the man turns to a PUA/ Game forum (R.I.P Rooshvforum) for advice with the often spoken phrase “what should I do bro?”

    Those with Game answer from on-high and the scales fall from their eyes.

    Extremely solid advice by the way. The “text trap” logic can also apply to international scenarios with Travel Girls. You know “hey do you have WhatsApp?” or anyplace where an app or text is disintermediating your in-person Game away, and there is a long distance element at play, thus your playing on her terms and funneling your thirst.

    I don’t have text Game like YAREALLY. So for typical in-city girls the moment they start to play text-tennis, and if we haven’t talked about going somewhere in person before, and she is confirming, I immediately go as a response to her texts:

    “Appreciate the texts/ DM, look, Lisa, I am a bit busy right now, lets save the chatting and link. I am going to be at XYZ location next week, on Tuesday, from 6 – 8 pm. You should join me they have this and that which is cool. If you can’t make it no worries. Anyways, take care.”

    Leave it in her court, if she follows up cool, but if she can’t make it with a reschedule suggested, or open dates mentioned, no worries, I was going there anyway and since she ain’t there I will be attempting to pick up new women. I don’t bother with text walls, because it’s all about her physical attraction to you. Seeing her in person, and of course not simping, and leading is the real test for all women. Now she has to invest time and energy into the encounter.

    You can still use rapport texts after in person is established, but still keeping it minimalist.

    And of course, the Guy used IG wrong. He was supposed to use it as funnel to screen OUT chicks, obviously he never got the memo on IG being compulsory for younger chicks.

    Another useful gambit especially for hired guns (but women in general) is photography (assuming you have a great portfolio AND are physically attractive, he could parlay that). She could be his inside girl and connect with other women in the Biz. If he is sharp enough maybe manage an OF for her.

    I also think you can also file this under “never sh*t where you eat.” What’s really the benefit medium or long term of linking with a stripper at a place you frequent (as just a customer) unless you’re someone as you say is in the biz with power/ clout/ utility?

    Homie is lucky this one got a away, because imagine if he did have just enough Game to link with her initially.

    If it’s a bad date, now he is “that guy” and the strip club. Now, if that relationship ever really turns south, STDs could be the least of his problems. He could have problems both from the Streets and most certainly the Inner Game demolition and rebuild he would would have to endure without the benefit of vibrant online Game knowledge culture and in the context of full Open Hypergamous society.

    Just based on his Reddit message history he still needs to build his inner self, but doing so after going toe-to-toe with someone that could be clinically diagnosed with BPD is a hard path. Some get extremely Red Pilled while others collapse. Hard to predict the path someone will choose.

    “Regardless of whether you spent money on her or not.”

    No matter he still payed because he as the man wasn’t the prize. As a digital stand in, his attention/validation was the prize/currency. As you know, digital or not, attention receiving is the core currency for women in the sexual marketplace, giving attention the core currency for men.

    “It’s why day game in general, and make out game at night clubs has such poor return on investment.” Part of the answer here is to go Mode One or Mode 1.5 (R.I.P to Alan Roger Currie), which is what you did.


    1. I read/think/analyze/write for a living. I write for fun. The thing i’ve learned about text game – be it the surgical style of YaReally or the “logistics only” from the RVF days – is that both, by themselves, are low probability.

      There’s this battle in the soul of every player.

      Do I drill down on the micro, the nano?
      Or do I focus on the macro?

      And the bigger question to either – what am I after?

  2. What am I after: The End Game

    IMO, the current Game at all times that Western Society has designed is:

    1. Career /Govt/ Consumer Brand / Religion/ School/ Social Media Distractions
    2. Alpha Male
    3. Women
    4. Beta Male

    This obviously doesn’t work for me (or men generally). So, a woman I meet as a romantic prospect, I am trying to change the Game framework to one benefits me.

    So, we have this framework I call the End Game:

    1. Me
    2. Women (her value to me: s3xual (LTR or Short)/ useful service or skills she can render/ social entourage member)
    3. Career /Govt/ Consumer Brand / Religion/ School/ Social Media Distractions
    4. Alpha Males
    5. Beta Male

    I use texts/ DMs, not to get s3xual with her, but for purposes of getting into her head, breaking down her ego, letting her sell herself the dream of an alternative future based on what she is missing (I know what she is missing because she told me), reversing the buyer/ seller dynamic, underselling, and remaining stoic.

    You see, She is going micro over texts/ DMs to explore her own emotions, I just provide prompts and Socratic style questions. Combined this with an amazing IG and it becomes exponentially easier because I am living the Dream.

    Over texts/ DMs if she asks non-sequitur questions, obviously attempting to place the football and get to me to kick and miss, I either ignore those messages, change the subject, or answer the question, with no mention of doing something with her.

    If I feel she is really attempting to waste my time or not being “real” I cut the texts short and give her the “I’ll be at xyx place, meet me text. Take it or leave it.” This keeps me from being a source for digital validation, contains my thirst and ego and allows me to survive the jumbotron/ screen shot test and reduces the cognitive load. This means no back-and-forth aimless texts that don’t fit my objective, no good morning/ good night texts, no memes, no “digital seduction,” no “what should I text next bro?” forum inquires, nothing.

    Now you must know I am using the Dark Arts not because I am one of those guys with a capital P, so I am not looking for a woman to “work for me.” Rather I want her to work with me in a personal relationship towards tangible and overlapping goals that in her mind supersedes any typical woman careerist goals.

    At scale running End Game is a threat to existing order because the corporation is at the tip of the key to resource and attention extraction racket. This must be maintained; normal must remain clueless to the idea that a woman can be and wants to be managed.
    They have to be indoctrinated into believing the 50/50 relationship model is a best for them.

    You commented on a previous post about Lester Diamond (James Woods) in Casino having Ginger’s (Sharon Stone) mind.

    I think realizing the current Game model and how to flip it to End Game as a skill must be a part of a churchgoer’s skill set. This sets the tone for what he is doing and why for the mid and long term in a relationship and gives true purpose to man/ woman union.

    Men in general never stop and say: “If it’s ok, she has a manager at work (another man usually), they she should be ok for me to be her manager instead.”

    This is the primary unspoken reason why guys with a capital P, got a lot of traffic tickets. The powers to be wanted to keep any new derivative chauvinistic/ patriarchal culture from developing from men cross referencing the capital P’s results and emulating.

    The End Game goal for a normie, should not be for him to be a capital P, boyfriend or even lover, men should instead endeavor ultimately to be her literal manager complete with performance reviews and even her adjunct therapist (hello positive transference). Always combine this with moral and spiritual leadership as head of relationship/ household with her working towards the vision. So now I am getting max mental and physical investment from her at a level well above just bible reading.

    Again, I do that by tapping into a different vision of life and provide her with incentives, encouragement, and intermittent rewards for her to do so INSIDE the relationship. Just like colleges/ universities/ corporations sell her the dream, men should do the same and usurp and reclaim their position in her mind where she can now work towards mutual goals you and her have.

    How many players complain or are confused about her ghosting after they read the Bible together, that’s because he only had her body (with terrible bible study) and not her mind, which was still plugged into the existing Game framework (usually).

    For you to win or at least not lose, she must be unplugged, and the man must facilitate that and allow her investment into you and the Dream to be backwards rationalized.

    Of course, she can take it or leave it and return to the Matrix anytime. If she leaves and seeks out an Alpha male, or Beta Buxx, no worries. Naturally I always wish her well and because I have my life’s work and she is just an accessory to that I am indifferent to her exiting.

    However, I have a HIGH SUBJECTIVE value to her. And that’s something I created with her naturally so there is a good chance she will return. I provided her with purpose, structure, and management in a non-needy way, with the goal of upgrading US, based on our combined efforts. Plus, she usually discovers her Alpha male 1.0 does not have a secure attachment style or Game and Beta Buxx is just that, Beta Buxx.

    Now texting/ DMs used for the purposes of unplugging her and plugging her into my End Game framework. Using text I encourage her positively, get her to explore her emotions, past life experiences, logistics, and if need be to keep her warm (IG helps with this).

    So from the start of the Infield meet (never waiting for choosing signals), that does not result in a SDL/ SNL and a subsequent “date”, I start with my End Game program. Looking, active listening and probing her for information from the very beginning.

    Now of course, if a man is just looking just to read the Kamasutra with he can simplify the approach and get her out ASAP and forgo any End Game program at his discretion before or after then no problems. Or you can read the Kamasutra with her first and work my End Game program in reverse, it just depends on context, personal goals, her temperament, my energy levels and time available.

    I have a host of other strategies and tactics I run incorporate with End Game…but we’ll save those for another time.


  3. WIA:


    Also just want to add, that practicing capturing her mind and being her manager within the context of the End Game framework is a worthy goal, because it gives all those occupied by self-improvement a skill (plus other Game skills) to practice alongside their quest for capturing muscles & millions.

    In other words, it gets men talking to women sooner, because capturing her mind is supposed to work (getting you and her reading the Torah together) despite (not completely) their looks and social status. So, there is an incentive and a reduction in the all or nothing looksmaxxing approach to getting women.

    Plus, mind capture gives all those that Red Pilled/ Rollo Pilled (i.e. all theory and no practice) as you said “scared money” dudes terrified by Hypergamy, her body count and her being Alpha Widowed a means to deal.

    However, like I wrote before, if End Game ever became “a thing” among men, expect moral panic to ensue, because the powers that be must stay on top…they must colonize her mind. You see, feminism is not really about male vs female, it’s corporate vs family.

    Going back to your original post about the customer:

    First, he sold himself the Dream by having a specific and thirsty goal to relive his younger days. It’s all downhill from there.

    Second, HE thought he and the hired gun had “chemistry,” when the only chemical he had was ABC Dry Chemical. He didn’t confirm through a Socratic method her emotional state.

    Third, because of context (and maybe lack of skills) he was unable to lock her in and subtlety Game her.

    Fourth, he made no attempts to capture her mind with probative engaging dialogue interspersed with discovery & Socratic style questions that would let her find her own pain and lead her to selling herself a Dream.

    Cumulatively, the hired gun recognized he was no player because that’s who she usually would link with. Now she had a clear opening and as a result had his mind taken and he got trapped in Text Land. This despite his supposed abundance.

    Right away when the hired gun proposed a “date” if he didn’t do what you said and propose to meet her after the shift, he could have said, “Miranda, I AGREE with you, that we had a great conversation, here is my number. I want to share my number because you seem different from most women I meet and I want to get to know more about you. So when your ready to engage with again, reach out.” Then proceed to ignored any requests to download IG. If she texts/calls, cool, if not, you know what it is.

    If the customer shows up to the club again and sees the girl and she tries to reengage, he now has can opt to have another “therapy session” at his leisure or cut the conversation short and leave her missing that style of interaction and thereby provide more incentive for her to call. No matter his choice the outcome is his ego is preserved, thirst dissipated and public reputation left intact.

    Mind capture allows the Shepard to be several moves ahead of flock, keeps him focused on conversational goals, not getting his mind captured, lead the interaction, and sets the stage for extended Bible study sessions multiple times a week. That’s it for now.

    That’s it for now.

    Peace again.

  4. Agree, you gotta meet them off duty and out of uniform.

    Hit it off with a bartender and she gave me her IG and then tried to convert me into an OF simp LOL. That angle was new. On to the next.

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