Technical Game Bible Review Pt 3 of 3

So we come to the end.  I really don’t fee like I’ve given this book enough analysis to be honest.

Saul wraps up the book with 2 chapters.  How to Run Your Nights and Advanced Content of How to Deal with very Socially Savvy Girls.

How To Run Your Nights Out

This chapter is broken up into 10 sections – but the first section is Strategy vs Tactics. (I cover this in my rough draft actually).

Strategy is seen as the overarching game plan to achieving your long-term goals. It is the pathway or bridge to your goals. While tactics are the more concrete, smaller steps that allow you to actually cross that bridge

I would have put this way earlier in the book, but that’s a personal preference.

He breaks down what I call the “timeline of the night”.  How much time to spend in the early stages, when to do your approaches, when to develop your new connections, and when to leave the venue with your new friend.

He gets into screening here, which again is something I’d put earlier.

His 3 screens are Availability (single or taken), Logistics (Covered earlier), and Sexual Openness (aka the DTF a random but charming stranger).

Let’s talk availability.

From my experience, a girl that’s in love with her fiance will sneak off with the guy that rings her bell.

When you read the posts of beginners

    • Initial Offline Cold Approach – Guys often try to establish if the girl has a boyfriend right off the bat.  This gives the girl an easy out if his approach was not good. In fact, girls say this even after a good step up, but a failure on the opener. It’s a get out of an awkward (and potentially dangerous) situation.
    • IHAB shows up after she’s attracted, after she’s aroused, after the hook up – and all of those situations have different meaning given the social context.
    • Social circle situation – Guys are often confused by girls with boyfriends that give them attention.
    • Online, a lot of these Sherlock Homies will do a reverse image search, find the girl’s instagram/facebook/seeking arrangement profile and now are freaking about it (Both Square/Blue Pill guys and Red Pill guys that should know fucking better)

I’m guessing Saul is not trying to lose market share with guys that haven’t fully realized how sexual (and sex crazed) the average woman is.  He’s still honoring the socially programmed code of honor, where you don’t mess with another man’s woman.

What The Game teaches us, is respect for a woman’s choices and her nature.  She’s her own person.  She isn’t controlled by any man, not me, not you.  And to gape into the abyss of female choice and sexuality is akin to experiencing a Lovecraftian cosmic horror.

Openness to Hooking Up

The central tenet of game is that people will follow who has the strongest reality.  The better your game is, the more you operate on frames, on what the meaning of reality is.

How is a piece of paper that measures 2.61 inches wide and 6.14 inches long so powerful?

We’ve accepted the reality of it.  Money is one of the biggest cons there is.

And so is power.

So the belief system the girl comes into the initial meeting with, isn’t the one she has to keep.

“I met someone that makes me look at life differently”

That might be too advanced a concept for a beginner’s book.  But I’m betting that he uses this concept, even is he isn’t aware of it.

That said, his screening for DTF is top notch. And from a different perspective, a man can use the DTF screening as a tool to arouse, change the direction of a conversation, pull lots of details.

He even has a cool little 3rd party trick to “stealth” gauge the chick’s receptiveness on page 201. (Gotta buy the book homie)

From there, Saul gets into the mental process the player goes through as he’s making connections with girls of interest.  Committing to a course of action, staying in set, re-approaching when necessary.

Fastest Way to Get Good

Is a painfully short section.  I’ll leave it at that.

Advanced Content – Frame Battles

Frame Battles: Within any given social space, two conflicting realities cannot co-exist. The stronger reality always wins out.

I mentioned this in my review above, but the essence of Game with a capital G, what turns regular Christians into Creflo Dollar.

He believes so much in the Lord, in himself, that it affects his followers.

So Saul gets into this in a very limited fashion when he gives the play by play for a Club Queen.

The Club Queen – Young, Hot, Socially Savvy, doesn’t care much how you look or how much you make.  She can get what she wants, be it a height, muscles, pretty face, money, whatever.  She’s entitled.  She knows it.

There may be prettier girls out there, but she’s the one your after.  She knows it.  You know it.  And all the cards are in her favor…or are they?

What is she after?  Saul explains, Status.  He goes into her psychology and then gives you insight of both of WHAT NOT TO DO and WHAT TO DO.
Then he caps it off with a great example.  If you have never dealt with these chicks, it reads like fiction.  If you have dealt with these chicks, you want to put your hands through the book and slap the girl on the ass.

Like I’ve said before, the female giraffe kicks the male giraffe in the chest when it’s time to produce the next generation of long neck horses.  Women that antagonize suitors are playing their part in the Grand Game as designed by the creator.


This is a solid piece of work.  I don’t agree with everything, as to be expected.  Most men don’t agree on everything.  But a lot of the core stuff I advocate and use in my own life, he does as well.

You’ll find that successful guys often converge on the same ideas INDEPENDENTLY.  Which is why it’s important for players to keep up on what’s going on in the scene.

I’m not getting paid for this, but I’ll send some of my few visitors his way.

Technical Game Bible Review Pt 2 of 3

First day off in ~2 months.  I need to figure out this 4 hour work week thing.

There’s a Ghostface Killa reference here for my Hip Hop Heads

The Tail End of The Emotional Arousal Section

So we left off on Prizing Frames.

A ‘Prizing Frame’ is simply an expression which allows you to very directly and straightforwardly communicate that you are the ‘prize’ and flip the script. Broadly speaking, the idea is to  re-frame something she says to imply that she is trying to pick you up and sleep with you. Think of it as putting your own dick on a pedestal. The polar opposite of what every guy does by putting the girl on a pedestal.

Saul really knows his old school game.

This sort of “micro” game, where you look at the interaction from word to word, from glance to glance, from social scenario to the next… you’ll start to see how a lot of the game is really in what is NOT SAID.

The communication of the Prizing Frame is more than just about flipping the interaction – it’s about looking at a simple conversation between you and a girl, and not thinking that all you can do is say stuff to impress her, to make her like you.

It opens up the idea that every word, every look, every part of the interaction has MEANING.  And if you start to think more about the interaction at a higher level, you have more possibilities.

Saul doesn’t go this far, given that it’s a book for beginners. But if you’re reading my blog, you’re far from a beginner.

What’s really good about this book, is that Saul lays out some examples of how to use this in conversation.  He not only gives the words themselves, but a lot of the non-verbal aspects to the framing and delivery.

From this point in the book, he really gets more into the technical things we did in the old school to get the girl going emotionally.

    • Takeaways
    • Challenges
    • Expression of Boundaries
    • Self Amusement
    • Role-Plays
    • Sexual Misinterpretations
    • Games and Gimmicks
    • Cold Reads
    • Deep Personality Compliments
    • Demonstration of Intellectual Value

All have clear explanations and examples.

I can’t contain my excitement and admiration for compiling technical ideas that anyone can just pick up, understand, and use.

Emotional Leading

The next Big Section of the Book is Emotional Leading.  It’s the last 3rd of the book, but probably the most important.

Most Red Pill guys talking about pick up operate on this basic model.

  1. Show enough sexual market value
  2. She hooks up with you

Yeah brah, just up your reps, maybe do a cycle or two, and just show up. The girls do all the work

If you come from an old school Pick Up, you realize that being a good looking guy, muscles, and some money in the bank is NEVER enough. Girls rarely move first. The ones that do are often the ones that don’t have anything to lose if they see you reject them.  You think rejection is painful for a guy, it’s devastating for a girl.

The girl might be attracted, she might even be aroused, but she’s not going to grab you by the collar and toss you on the bed at Ikea and have her way with you.

Most vanilla porn is about the girl either being the aggressor, or making it real easy for the guy to make a move.  The other side is that the guy engages in some sort of power scenario.

In both cases, it’s fantasy. Hooking up with the girl for the first time is an exercise in pursuit.  We don’t get to change the rules of the animal kingdom.

So it’s obvious that you need to lead her, like a Cowboy.

But you’re not pulling on reins, (unless you’re into that.  Pony Play is all the rage these days).

You want her to go somewhere, but you don’t want to pull her/push her.  You want her to chase you there.

How? Elicit Investment.

His understanding of the game and how most guys think when they read those words is impeccable. Cause guys see one thing, and then do what’s natural to them based on a natural understanding of language.  Pick Up has a lot of everyday words with nuanced and technical meanings.

In the literature, eliciting investment is hand in hand with “hoop theory”.  Make the girl jump through hoops, and she’ll jump into bed with you.

Guys just take the bare idea and run with it.  Saul makes a crucial distinction between a Social Value Hoop and an Emotional Investment Hoop.   What the guy wants is emotional investment, not for her to gain/lose social value.  It’s a subtle point, but what it does for the reader is makes him reevaluate what he’s trying to get girls to do.  Morever, Saul connects the girl’s actions to end goal.

From there, he breaks down the 3 levels of investment hoops.  Explicitly breaking it down to different levels is new territory in pickup.  We’ve always known, he’s just specified it.

From there, he goes into using sexual arousal to get more investment.  It’s an interesting discussion, almost academic. In isolation, it’s offputting.  But if you’ve gotten this far in the book, it’s riveting.

There’s a discussion of positive and negative rewards in this context.  And then he gives examples of the whole thing.

He mentions something I tend to harp on, the tendency for women to offer up significant life details in the most nonchalant way.  Most guys react to stuff like a pet dying, but Saul says that context really rules the meaning of the words, not the words themselves.  That’s a key insight.

On 9’s and 10’s

A legitimate stunner is NOT the same as a normal girl.

I don’t disagree on the merits, but I have different view of the 9/10 problem.

Starting with what I would call an objective 10 – any chick that’s become a super model.

Martha Hunt, Karen Elson, Alek Wek (examples)- to me, these women have their moments, but they aren’t my personal 10’s.

My 10s look more like this

The Models are still objective 10’s.

Supermodels are still treated like God’s Gift to Mankind by the public in general.  The really good ones have the social savvy to leverage that into wealth, fame, and power.   They become physically sheltered.  The average random guy does not just bump into Candice Swanepoel.

These girls are physically and socially isolated.  The only kind of guys they mess with – guys before the fame, and guys of the same status and in the same social class.

So the objective 10 is one that “everyone” has decided is attractive, they treat her accordingly, she acknowledges her status, and uses it.

What guys run into on a regular basis

  • Girls with Beautiful faces that aren’t difficult. They’re not approachable by newbs, because the newb writes a story in his mind about who she is.  He “sikes” himself out. (psychs looks weird)
  • Girls with great bodies, decent faces, but tend to deal with a lot of thirsty “alpha” dudes. (Video Vixens)
  • Girls with Beautiful faces that are not society’s preferred brand. For the most part, the super model is Nordic/Slavic, melanated version of such, or she’s exotic/visually striking.

Models that are striking but not conventionally pretty 


  • Girls that have neither body nor face, but have the expectations of queens.

So to me, this particular section is a little weak, because Saul isn’t really breaking down the her mentality, the social aspects, and the guy’s mentality about so-called 10’s.

If you’re on the East Coast, black dudes love Latinas.  Dominicans, Cubans, Brazilians, Colombians.  The Latinas that migrate to the states go from 6’s at home to 9’s based on THIRST.  So they develop INTO girls with the expectations of these savvy super model.  Lame dudes gas these girls up so much that a real player has to figure out a way to get at these girls.

But as we have discovered, rather than pay an exorbitant price here, just fly to “the factory” and get them for rock bottom prices.  Colombians in Miami are at a social premium, but in Medellin it’s just Tuesday.

What I mean to say that a girl’s objective looks don’t ever determine her outlook, her personality, her behavior, how she treats others, how society treats her, and what you need to do to make the connection.

Most PUA’s don’t think that. They do think that a girl with an Angel Face is automatically one way or another.

You can’t look at a girl’s face and know that she’s socially savvy and has good girl game.  That’s only uncovered via interaction.

To his credit, he does get into how much a guy has to push the girl that thinks of herself as a supermodel and expects to be treated like Kim/Nicki.

In my experience, you don’t come in heavy like this until it’s warranted.  I’m pretty sure that’s how Mystery deploys negs.  If she’s a bitchy LA Club princess – adjust game accordingly.

And it’s helpful to think that it’s not really a battle, it’s the girl saying that she wants to play.  She just plays rough.

What should have been the best chapter imo, is marred by this oversight.

Physical Expressions

This is a useful chapter.  He distinguishes between physicality and escalation.

Escalation is going from very neutral physical touches to ones that are more familiar, more romantic, and more sexual.

What if you touched a girl with a different intent?

Let’s say you and your girl are out at a restaurant. She goes to the lady’s room. When she comes back, she traces her hand along your back to let you know she’s returned.

It’s not a sexual touch, and it’s not level 10 in terms of pleasurable.  But it is calming and soothing.

So Saul goes into how to use touch in the context of the initial pick up.  Some touches are soothing and provide comfort. Some provide tension.  Some are about positive reinforcement.  It’s very useful stuff.  A perfect version of this book would have candid photos of people doing said moves.

There’s a mini-section on whether you should go for a makeout on the road to pulling her home.  I’m pretty much against releasing sexual tension when i can’t close.  I prefer my game to be really tight.  That said, I’ve done it in the past, as many others have, and still gotten to end.

Leading Her Around the Venue is touched on.  He distinguishes from the old school bouncing and the new RSD babystepping idea of getting her out of the club.  He does go into the old school philosophy of why bouncing helps with the interaction.

Sexual Expressions and the end game

Not gonna get too deep into this one.  It’s a family blog!

He does go into how to avoid the friendzone here.  I’d put something like this in the first chapter.

Calibration is discussed.  Again, something i’d mention earlier.

From there, he gets into the light sexual/romantic verbals to heavier ones.

The actual process of leaving the venue is explained, and he goes into pitfalls.

He talks about screening for logistics here, and this is where we diverge.  Always establish logistics way before you get to the heavy attraction stuff.  Though it is possible to get a girl to move heaven and earth once she’s sufficiently in to you – MOST OF THE TIME, she’s not going to do any of the work.

“Seeding the Pull” and “Pulling the Trigger Follow”.

Handling objections is barely discussed, and this section should be much beefier.  I don’t run into objections as much any more, because i’m screening out bad logistics, handling her friends, and trying to pull the girl deeper into – “I really like this guy” versus “I really want to hook up, and this guy will do”.

Cialdini’s principles are adapted to pulling as well as common sales tactics are fleshed out a bit for the pick up context.  Not really my taste, but it’s traditional to use this sort of stuff in PUA lit.

He also hides how to deal with AMOG Competition here.

The plan is to spike the girl’s emotions, get her reactive to me, and then get the guy jumping through a couple of my hoops.

I won’t go into the rest of the story, but it’s pretty epic along with some commentary on what most guys would try, and what you should do instead.

I’m gonna end it here.  Not working tomorrow, so I should be able to rock out Part 3 – How to put his stuff into action and my overall impressions. of the book.


Technical Game Bible Review Pt 1 of 3

Got a request to review this book.  You can check out Saul Tee at his site.  No affiliate link.  Not getting paid for this.

Also not adding my usual pictures to break up the walls of text.

Overall, I really like this book.  I think it’s a good distillation of actual pickup principles before pick up got all “woo woo”. It puts contemporary RSD  and London Day Game style into context.  It explains why they work and don’t work.  It leans back into a traditional (old school/indirect game) and talks in the language of psychology.

There are some interesting insights for veterans.  It might be a bit hard for beginners – but it’s the right information. There are easier things to read, and lots of dumb videos to watch – but this is book

Going to review it section by section, but hopefully not give too much away.

Prologue – Why this is the last product you’ll ever need

This the standard stuff that all pick up artists trying to sell you something say.  He’s 23 and has been in the game since he was 18 – so basically he’s only been running up on checks since ~2014.

As an old man, this is not a selling point to me.  But if I was a young man, hitting on 18 year olds, this would definitely be a selling point.

He creates a fictional character Jesse, that gets “scammed” for thousands, because he went on a boot camp with a well reputed company. (Gee, I wonder who he’s talking about?)

As a piece of game aka sales copy – it’s only aight.  I would have cut this section out.  You’ve already bought the book, no need to keep selling.  This is “over-gaming”.

Inner Game Overview

He starts the chapter with how important is “inner game”…and doesn’t really answer that question in the first section.

From my perspective, the term “inner game” as used by the community – can mean anything from self esteem, self confidence, to killer instinct, to dealing with approach anxiety.  It’s a very murky term.  He defines it as self esteem.

That’s not what it has meant historically in the community, but only seduction nerds really want to get deep into the etymology and changing meaning.

Optimal State – State is the idea of being in a talkative/good mood so that you can talk to girls.  Mystery talked about loosening up your tongue, but the current idea of “state” comes from RSD.  You need to be in state in order to run their style of game.  They do emotional transference (I don’t know if that’s how they would describe it, but if you observed them like a scientist would – that’s what they are doing) – so unless you have emotions to transfer – you can’t actually do their game successfully.

Saul Tee than refutes the idea of needing state, he clarifies the “necessity of state” but also the problems of needing “state” and the problems that go with using a state based game.

And he suggests the exact opposite of being in a good/talkative/chatterbox mood.  It’s actually a really good little discussion where he brings in university research.

How to Run the Interaction from Start to Finish

Belief Systems and Mindsets – These are very important.  Another thing I agree with, and anyone with sense would also agree with.

That’s just not the case in the current community, nor has it been the case.  There are tons of PRACTICAL SKILLZ ONLY type gurus, and most of them…let’s just say they’re attitudes speaks for themselves.

He lays out his trifecta of beliefs – the 3 things you need to believe in order to have success with women.  None of them are new to the scene, but they aren’t as popular win the Tinder/Instagram era.

How to Rewire your brain with these beliefs –  Something missing from most manuals and programs.

He has this interesting sentence

Your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between reality
and imagination.

I think he’s actually on to something, but he doesn’t develop it. Nor does he connect it with something he said earlier.  There’s a bit of psychology at work in the text, but also psychology for you to use.  It’s really brilliant as an idea on how to create a deeper change in your BEHAVIOR, but it might not change your mindset.

Becoming a Natural – He dispels the myth that you can become a natural without defining what a natural is.  What everyone means when they say natural now – is not a guy that’s been a natural with women all his life – but a guy that learns how to do pick up and everything comes off naturally.  He has all the technical and inner game internalized.   Todd calls this advanced game.

He goes on to give examples of naturals in other fields – but he clearly has never met a natural.   He leans on the competence ladder chestnut.

  1. Unconscious incompetence – you don’t even know that you’re fucking up
  2. Conscious incompetence – you know you’re fucking up
  3. Conscious competence – You can do shit, but only if you concentrate
  4. Unconscious competence – You can do shit well and not even think about it.

That’s not what a natural lady killer is like.  I’ve met lots of street fighter type players – i.e. no technique, all balls.  If you have not met any, you’re not going to black clubs.

But I’ve only met a handful of real naturals in my life.

Being effective with their styles would not be possible for anyone but them. Indeed, you would probably need a high speed camera to catch all of the micro-expressions, slight shifts in body language.  Saul Tee doesn’t get into that.  Maybe he knows some, maybe he doesn’t.

This is the closest thing i’ve seen on YouTube that gets at what being a natural looks like.  In one of the videos, he talks about his childhood with his parents putting him and his siblings up on stage to perform.  The natural is created in those formative years.  The Dark Side naturals – like Iceberg Slim seeing his father getting played by his own mother – and that changed something deep inside of him.

I’m getting off track.

Just Be Yourself – He deals with this one in a familiar way.  I like to think that this is a rebuke of Mark Manson’s bullshit, but I feel like I’m the only person in the world that hates that book.

The Morality of Pickup – I know why this is here, because moralists that are failing at getting girls by “just being themselves” – think it’s morally wrong to use any sort of technique.  I am annoyed by the presence.  It’s not a particularly persuasive argument.

How to Run the Night

This chapter is less practical than it sounds. It should be renamed to “what you’re actually doing when you’re picking up a girl”.  As opposed to the image it paints in your mind.

He explains why old school methods don’t work. (I don’t think the problem is with the method…I digress) But he sets up the idea that when you meet a girl, what you’re really doing is putting the girl on a “Yes, Ladder”  (More at the link, but a good thing to google in general)

    1. What is your big ask?
      The most important first step is to determine about what your big ask is.
    2. Work backward
      Once you have identified your big ask, work backward, thinking of two to three smaller asks.
    3. Plan your first yes approach
      Your first yes might be even more important than your big ask. Plan your approach for your first yes as if it was just as important as your ultimate goal.
    4. Encourage trust
      Once your target has given you your first yes — don’t let them down!

Anyone familiar with sales knows the Yes Ladder.  I have never found meeting women and sales to be the same.  Women lie. Women have always lied more than my clients/prospects.

Lemme rephrase – women tell you what you want to hear, if they can get what they want (sometimes it’s out of the situation, so she’ll tell you her number, so you can leave her alone!)  And the real kicker – she either doesn’t think she’s lying, or if you can get her to admit it – she will say she was justified.  Etc.

What is lacking in this book is a  dedicated chapter on female behavior, but he does do get into it. [Note to self, add chapter(s) on female behavior]

I keep digressing – anyway, Saul Tee sees the pick up as one big “compliance ladder” (I prefer the term cooperation, but tomato tomato)

Before we proceed, I’d like to point out where some prominent
‘underground instructors’ tend to get it wrong. They
understand what compliance is – however – they act as if it’s a
fixed variable. The reality is far from it. Compliance is dynamic
and can be built. In fact, that’s all game is.

This is the key insight into his game.  Saul Tee his very intelligent.  That’s probably why I like this book so much.  He anticipates arguments and deals with them in the text.

The newb running with this idea without thinking – “all I need to do is get compliance” – will do the natural thing.  He’ll investigate if the girl is already compliant.  Saul deals with the problems with that “Roissy”-esque strategy quite quickly.

In the same chapter he also deals with the pesky “Looks greater than Game” thing as well.

Here’s how he demolishes the RSD style of game

…compliance is…something.. you That’s all ‘game’…is …Approaching a girl whose initial level of compliance for you is low, and increasing it over a relatively short period of time…It’s not ‘attraction’. It’s not ‘self-amusement’. It’s not ‘momentum’. It’s not ‘freedom from outcome’. It’s not ‘unplugging from validation’. All those concepts…are not ends in themselves. Rather, they are a means with the ultimate ends of building compliance.

He then goes into his understanding of Compliance, Investment, and Buying Temperature. One of the flaws of this book, a flaw in most pick up books, he does not explicitly define buying temperature before he starts using it.  There’s somewhat of a definition as the book goes on, but if you’ve never read this type of material – it’s a bit of a slog.

There’s an argument against the basic community idea of SPIKE, SPIKE, SPIKE emotions and that leads to sex.  And it’s much more in line with YaReally/traditional PUA’s concept of the “emotional roller coaster”.

In a lot of ways, this book is written as an attack of the contemporary style game.  The book gets considerably better on this point.  He goes into nuts and bolts of how the game works on the mind of the girl. And we’re only 46 pages into it.

Investment – This is one of the better sections of the book. He really gets into the nitty gritty of what it means in a real sense, and why it is necessary – which flows back into his compliance, buying temperature and investment formula

He defines investment via examples and explanation.  And then he gives a basic action plan/thought pattern/vision of what you need to get investment from the girl. – Investment creates compliance.  In recent years, I’ve only heard RSD Luke mention this, and only in passing. (though I may be wrong).

Later in this section he puts together Compliance’s correlation with buying temperature and investment.  He doesn’t really get nerdy and talk about High buying temperature and Low Investment or Low Buying Temperature and High Investment.  I think that’s a flaw in the pedagogical aspects of the book, and it will lead to errors and frustration.

So much of his actual game – the working parts of what he’s trying to do – is explained brilliantly and supported with literature from academia and business.

Phase 1 is comparable to the Phase 1 of MM/how most guys start but with multi-dimensions instead of a linear model.

Phase 2 is similar to the trust build/comfort and rapport phase, but it still incorporates his themes of compliance, BT, and investment.

What is interesting to me about the European/Non Amerian players  but when you read the European FR’s over the years (not Anglosphere guys in Europe, but actual European PUA’s) – the girls in Europe are much more revealing and emotionally honest compared to the typical party girls here.  I’m not going to get anything remotely “real” from a girl at a club unless I literally take her out of that space – where the environment can’t be used as an excuse of her personality/behavior.

Phase 3 is the bounce to end game.  What’s noteworthy is that he doesn’t rely on seeding the bounce.  His game is a lot more Pimp Like or ‘pimp tight’.  She’s so invested in him and is giving him so much compliance, that he doesn’t need to entice the girl with something at his place.  She just wants to be with him.

He gives you the formula for this. It’s surprising that he’s this young and understands human nature this well.

Opening Manifesto

He explains the important and non-importance of the opener.  Gives 6 types of openers.

Sub-communications – This is sort of the term we use, but he means it to be “Man to Woman”. Describing subcommunications this way is giving ground to RSD.  Nobody was saying Man To Woman back in the day.  Mainly because the understanding of direct and indirect had not be been fleshed out.

But he goes into sub-communications (and opposed to nonverbal communication) and “frames” a bit.

He breaks down how to sub-communicate man to woman into actionable pieces.  I do wish he had combined this with his 3 phases though.

Locking In – Brilliant explanation of what governs this.  Nobody talks about locking in any more.

The risk and rewards of the 6 types of openers – Risk can be high or low, and reward can be high or low.  If you’ve read any of Roosh’s work, Day Bang, Bang, or his last one Game – this would be a great contrast to that.

He then explains the relationship between the opener and the rest of the conversation.  I do like this section, and I feel for newbs it is one of the most important parts of the book – but as a vet, I can tell he doesn’t have much life experience because his understanding of what happens after the first words you say to someone are quite limited.

He then goes into the 6 openers, but they could easily be 600.  There’s plenty of example and explanation.  It’s a well done chapter.

Arouse a girl emotionally

Gonna get on my word-fetishist thing again, but AROUSE has sexual connotations. (like the world “proclivities” has connotations even if it can be used in other ways) That’s not the sort of arousal that he’s going for here – yet.

He brings in the old school idea of “value”. This is in light of his liberal use of SMV (c) Rollo throughout the text.

And there’s not much in the way of Red Pill understanding here.  Take that for good or for ill.  Right now it’s only people on Rollo’s blog in the field report section that have contemplated Red Pill philosophy coming from a deep bench of PUA/debauchery.

Emotional Spikes – He uses some great analogies to explain what’s happening, and then brings it to the real level.  The next part gets a little academic, but it’s a useful mental model.

Negs and Teases! – It wouldn’t be PUA if this topic weren’t touched on.

Mystery envisioned the neg as a something true you notice in a 10 that’s dismissing you out of course.  So you said something about her nice nails, and asked if they were real.  The reason you do this is to tell the girl that you’re not impressed.  This deflates her OVER INFLATED club derived ego.  But then….Style said negs were “pebbles’ and the proper response to a neg would be a laugh.  Let’s just say the intellectual history of negs is mixed.

The real use of a neg in 2019 is as an insult, not a backhanded compliment. So Saul Tee addresses that version and explains how to do a neg “properly”.  It’s actually quite extensive.

Disqualifiers – He’s really sarging to the oldies with this one.

Prizing Frames – Essentially how to be the Prize

Takeaways – Again, making the old stuff new.

And lots verbiage on Challenges, Boundaries, Self Amusement, Role Plays, Misinterpretation, Games/Gimmicks/Cold Reads/Real Compliments.

To be continued.


State of the Community

A Quick Intellectual History of Pick Up (for the mainstream)

  1. 50’s and before – The Good Old Days (for straight white middle class men)
  2. Turbulent 60’s and 70’s
  3. California New Age Movement
  4. Neurolinguistic Programming
  5. Ross Jeffries’s Speed Seduction (an adaptation of NLP for picking up girls)
  6. SS Newsletter online – I don’t remember if the SS was an actual news letter that came in the physical mail.  I was online at that point
  7. Alt.Seduction.Fast – Newsgroup with guys talking about pickup
  8. PUA community with lots of ideas and field testing
  9. Double Your Dating
  10. Evo-Psych becomes important – Sex At Dawn, Selfish Gene, The Red Queen, etc.
  11. Mystery Method develops – attracts following, early boot camps.
  12. SwingCat and those guys
  13. Style Releases the Game
  14. Commercial Exposure – everyone tries to cash in.
  15. Mystery goes legit
  16. Fall out with Mystery and his camp
  17. “Tyler the Villain” drops canned game and comes up with “Natural Game” (improvised emotional transfer)
  18. Lots of competing companies but RSD comes out on top by embracing YouTube.
  19. Rise of the Red Pill via Roissy/Roosh/Rollo (2 of which were in the traditional PUA camp)
  20. Jeffy and Julien incidents – and the villainous aspects of Pick Up are cemented in the mind of the Public.
  21. Rise of London Style Game (run after, be direct, be funny, zero structure), and YouTube players – largely the sons of RSD – often use the same language and concepts.
  22. Simple Pick Up Guys dumbing down game for regular dudes.
  23. 2007 – The dating apocalypse – smartphones + social media + dating sites + the financial crash – people don’t go out as much, guys don’t have as much money, they date via the internet,
  24. Roosh Goes Political with Gamer’s Gate and Return of Kings
  25. Lots of smaller PUA’s EXPOSED! Justin Wayne/JMULV/Those North Carolina Boys doing a podcast and others get taken down by mainstream.
  26. Now
    1. #Me Too and associated social trends
    2. RSD switches over to Self Development Focus and actively moving away from the “dating” space
    3. Roissy Deplatformed,
    4. Roosh and the God Pill
    5. Rollo’s version of Red Pill and Hypergamy – taken on a life of its own.  SMV as discussed on forums has gone from abstract ideas about a market, to specific advice on steroids and “looks maxing”.
    6. mASF became NextASF, the last of the OG’s from the era before Mystery Method, and that forum closed.

So this is the state of play.  The Pick Up I learned way back when is dead for the most part.

Guys that have adapted/evolved with the change from in person meets to online meets – Vinny IG Casanova over @ Swoop.  Alex of Playing with Fire.

Old School Guys that have sort of adaptedGirls Chase. Todd Valentine.

Love Tourists/Sexual Market Value ArbitrageDavid Bond

RSD Lite/Day Game/Contemporary GameTim at Viking Lifestyle; Lloyd at the Single GuyKezia Noble.

Young Guys that are doing old school structured game, though not necessarily canned game – Saul Tee and his Technical Bible and Gabriel at Surgical Pick UpNick Denton?

Euro/Canadian/Euro Gamers – mostly day game of decent looking dudes vs tourists and immigrants – Fluid SocialJames Tusk.  Valentino. Bradicus.

Ethno Gamers – Indians and Asians adapting RSD/Pick Up Lite – Let’s Get Girls.

AMS bringing in Barbershop style game with a mostly Alpha/Jock Twist.

Nice Guy Gamers – Corey Wayne, Mark Manson. Based ZeusTay Social.

Black Phillip aka Patrice O’neal (RIP) – Traditional Black Man’s Game that leans more towards the Pimp Side.

That’s where we are.


Here’s What They Think About You b/w Questions and Answers

The user name is suspect, but I continue to find Reddit/Lesbian forums to be a gold mine of insight.

But enough red meat.

Here’s some Roo Meat

You get a lot of insight about her, but this is a painful interview.  Notice that she can’t really get a rhythm going.  A lot of these are open-ended questions, but it never plays out where she can really go indepth.

Obviously she’s performing and so is he – but the interviewer doesn’t really give her a chance to shine – so she never does.

The questions themselves are good and so are the answers – because you can go deeper.


East Indian Archie Continued

This might be the best video Madison has ever done.  I find his infield footage to be the best in the whole RSD camp – though some of the stuff I couldn’t replicate. (one offs and unicorns).

This is an interview with a balding, older, Indian guy that cracked the code.

The videos is part interview, part lecture, and then back to the interview.

So the IRT stuff is pretty self explanatory. It’s the lecture part where Madison gets fine grained on the RSD style of game.

Back in the day, there were lots of methods

  1. Blue Pill/Regular/Square guy stuff – work out, get rich, pray
  2. Speed Seduction – adapting NLP to meeting girls
  3. Classic Indirect – Do and say things to get the girl attracted to the THING, and then she’s attracted to the maker of thing – you the PUA.
  4. Direct
  5. London Style Day Game
  6. RSD – Emotional transference game.

The law of emotional transference is simple.  What I feel, you feel, if I feel it strong enough.

Without doing the research, I have a feeling that this comes out of Tony Robbins. And the Tony Robbins stuff largely comes out of the California New Age movement which overlaps with the NLP.

So RSD sort of mashes this stealth NLP/New Age stuff together with inner game.

Inner game is bastardized version of the Inner Game of Tennis, and it actually refers more to overall self esteem as opposed to mindset during a Tennis Match and visualizing serves. Inner Game of Tennis is why my HS basketball coach had players visualize taking shots when they weren’t taking shots.  The sports psychology research bolsters “Inner Game of Tennis” concepts.

Anyway, understanding RSD game is getting that Tyler/Julien and the rest of the crew use their emotional states to resonate with girls.

The crew tends to feel a certain thing, and then tries to get the girl to feel that, then it’s a question of logistics.

Julien games himself (they all do to an extent, but J-dawg goes far with it), gets himself into a state, and then games chicks.  He puts the girl into the state he wants to her to be in.

Tyler puts the girl in the state SHE wants to be in.

A key issue here in implementing this stuff is that guys don’t know how to access their emotions.  They have emotions.  Tell a basketball guy he can’t watch the NBA Finals, and he will be upset.

But can he be upset on cue?  What about happy? What about sad?  What about interested?  What about turned on?

A big stumbling block for RSD style pick up, and Game in general – is not having access to these emotions.

I said this on podcast with RudeBwoy and Moma – you want to show emotions, not just be in a state of emotional control.  That Zen Kung Fu master bullshit, where the guy’s head is on fire, but he feels no pain – that’s not useful for pick up.  Guys are already robotic and logical.

So going with that, if you wanted to learn the emotional transfer style of game, where you basically “infect” a girl with your emotions – you have to practice accessing those emotions.

With that in mind – Madison basically lays out that in your life – work life, school life, alone time, and family life – there are a lot of emotions that you can’t access.

Like I would like to really bark on the people at work – but so far the lottery hasn’t come my way and I don’t have Fuck You Money.

So if the young player needs to check a broad cause she overstepped his bounds – he doesn’t have any emotional experience in asserting himself, dealing with conflict, or ending it.

So the video goes into using the “dark energy” – which is probably the wrong thing to say.

@24:43 – how to respond to a flake

  • How you felt
  • How you feel now that she’s flaked
  • What happens now.

If you run a boundary based game, there are consequences to her actions.

To be continued.

Don’t know the background of this artist, but the song is on the Killing Even soundtrack.

Killing Eve is what the “smart” people were watching instead of Season 8 of Game of Thrones.

Sandra Oh, (Eve) plays a member of law enforcement that has an unhealthy fascination with FEMALE serial killers.

She’s dating a sad sack of a husband who just wants to hit it from time to time.

Well she comes across her great white whale, a female serial killer named Villanelle (get it, it’s villain, but changed up a bit! – played by Jodie Comer).

But Villanelle is a lesbian.  And Eve…Eve is bi-curious.

The show itself is great, but the relationships are toxic.  And the pursuit….

There are some game lessons in the show, as it’s written by a woman – but also lots of really dark stuff.

This particular song..

Just a glance at the first verse –

I could love you just like that
And I could leave you just this fast
But you don’t judge me
‘Cause if you did, baby, I would judge you too
No, you don’t judge me
‘Cause if you did, baby, I would judge you too
‘Cause I got issues
But you got ’em too
So give ’em all to me
And I’ll give mine to you…
Perfect conversational fodder for your next bar outing.
I literally can’t read/write stuff like this and not smirk.
Anyway, the reddit sub for Killing Eve looks a whole lot like the sub for card carrying 5 star Lesbians.  The amount of shipping and stuff they’re willing to tolerate – presumably because these things are said behind closed doors…


Open your eyes and look within,
Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?

So people are rolling out.

I am not planning to put up a forum on game.  Moderation is not my bag.

Archiving the Site 

I wrote a python crawler to grab my posts.  It was janky.

You can archive the site with HTTrack Website Copier –

WGET is another option.

Where are people going?

Swoop The World  –

Naughty Nomad –

Seddit –

Pickup at reddit –

Ask the Red Pill –

Teevster from NextASF –

Master Pick Up –

Girls Chase –

The Rational Male –

Things are changing.

End of an Era

Most of you guys know me from Roosh’s Forum.  Now that he’s gone Born Again, the forum will change accordingly.

I wish him all the best.  I’d been following Roosh since the DC Bachelor days, along with the brothers Virgle Kent and T. Ricky Raw.

I thought Bang was a really good distillation of the Mystery Method.  The line/the sentiment that I found most important in the book – “I didn’t change my appearance, I changed my behavior.  Changing my behavior, changed my luck”.

Since then he’s gone from PUA to world traveler/Love Tourist.  He tried neo-masculinity at some point.  Something happened with Return of Kings and Gamer Gate that I don’t fully understand, but that’s when I think he moved on from the guy who meets girls and makes the connection to more of a “thought leader”.

His thoughts and words are controversial, and well beyond the scope of my blog – which is really about how to talk to girls at parties – but I think that’s had a major impact on his life.

I think it was on Moma/Rudebwoy podcast where we talked about when teachers move from talking about meeting girls to self development or politics.  I get it.

Even I think it’s weird for me to stay on this topic, but I’m weird, so….it is what it is.

Book still coming, and now more needed than ever.
