AFC is the New PUA?

You guys know that I’m obsessed with the history of the community.  Man has been chasing woman since we climbed out of the primordial ooze.  But when men were finally able to come together and compare notes, the community really started.

When I got into this, tail end of the 90’s, these were the norms

  • A man could talk to a woman in the street
    • He didn’t have crippling Approach Anxiety
    • He would flatter and be direct
    • It was not looked down upon to talk to strangers
  • He didn’t know what to say
  • He had dates. He had girlfriends
  • What he didn’t have?  Sex on a timetable that he wanted

This was the average frustrated chump.  Though America has been getting fatter over the decades, 20 years ago, most men weren’t considered overweight  much less obese.

The AFC?  He worked out.  He made money.  He could still get a job making money.  The idea of moving back home to live with his parents was poisonous.

The AFC could expect to get lucky 5-6 times in his life.  Maybe a few more.  But he was gonna settle down with a cutie.

I was the AFC. You were.  We all were.  Frustration came from taking a girl out for weeks on end to get to 2nd base.

And then things changed.  It’s not that guys weren’t trying to crack the enigma of female behavior.  Guys will continue to.

The internet happened.  Now guys were comparing notes.  Speed Seduction and NLP was the rage when I got in.  Ross Jeffries, Maniac, Tokyo Pua, ToeCutter, MrSex4UNYC….countless other names.  Style and Mystery hadn’t taken over.  There were plenty of ideas and schools of thought.  The important part of that era was that information was free and guys were field testing.

What we/they knew at the time

    • Money didn’t matter that much.  It didn’t determine right now, or 3 months later.
    • Working out and being muscular, as many guys were, wasn’t the determining factor.
    • How you made the girl feel was the factor

Fast Forward 20 years.

  • Girls no longer see themselves as special flowers with something to protect.
  • Even more so than the 90’s/early 00’s, they have their own money, but at least in the B market money matters
    • A Market – College 18-22/23
    • B Market – Early Career – 24-26
    • C Market – We’d better get married asap 27-32
    • D Market – WE REALLY BETTER GET MARRIED – Up to 36
    • E Market – If she’s 36 and still hot, standards are high
  • Obesity is on the rise, and being in shape, being muscular, being cut, being jacked is not the norm.
  • She is getting 24/7 validation from her phone.

Are the assumptions of 20 years ago that most of the game was based on, still valid?

It seems that we are returning to AFC Game.  For the average guy, it really does seem like intra-personal skills/good socialization have taken a back seat to body fat percentage and the fact that you hold a job.   That gets guys in the running, whereas 20 years ago, it was expected.

So is the need for spectacular gift of gab, framing, non-verbal communication mastery gone?

Year of the Rat


My 2019 was fairly good.  Mexico City/Colombia got bumped off the travel list for SEA, and that was awesome.  Finally hit Brazil, also awesome.

So what does the New Year hold for me?

  1. I’m trying to do Medellin at some point this year for 3 months.  I don’t know how I’m gonna swing it.
  2. I gotta finish the introductory book.  I have a 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2020 versions of the book.
  3. I gotta stop wasting my time on Reddit.
  4. Back to Medellin as the main goal of 2020, that ties in with stepping up my online side hustles, my day job, putting out the book and not wasting time.

All if it sort of flows together.

More later


SMV in her own Words

I’m fairly new to FDS, so I was wondering how you ladies here would act in my situation. I’m 21 and in one of my classes in university there’s this really hot guy. He’s like 6’5, muscular/fit, tattoos, dresses well, takes care of himself and he’s extremely smart. I noticed his looks from the get go because every girl in the class was basically staring at him, but what I noticed more was his confidence when answering our professor’s questions and his ability to form an opinion which something a lot of young guys lack. He always respectfully shares his opinion and gives others a chance to speak and when our prof asks an obscure question he always knows the right answer. He’s pretty funny too (for a guy anyways, I don’t find men too be funny tbh) and we were in a group project together and we spoke a bit and I really do think he’s a high value male. Even though we’re young its important to me that the guy I’m dating isn’t broke and can take care of me to a degree, and I sense that he has some money (parents probably) because he drives a new mercedes and lives downtown by himself in a condo.

FDS – Female Dating Strategy.  – How to attract a “High Value Male” and retain him.  Basically the REAL Red Pill for women, not that fake bullshit you see Red Pill Pundits push on impressionable girls.   (aka Pick Me’s)

The order she lists is the order of her importance

  1. Facial Attractiveness – really hot guy
  2. Age – He’s in her class so he’s age appropriate
  3. Height – 6’5,
  4. Muscles – muscular/fit,
  5. Committed Physical Alterations – tattoos
  6. Clothing – dresses well
  7. Fitness – he takes care of himself
  8. Intelligence – he’s extremely smart.
  9. Preselection – “every girl in the class was basically staring at him”
  10. Leadership – He always respectfully shares his opinion and gives others a chance to speak
  11. Humor – “He’s pretty funny too (for a guy anyways, I don’t find men too be funny tbh)”
    1. Archie – Amy Schumer, Rebel Wilson, Melissa McCarthy
  12. Money – Even though we’re young its important to me that the guy I’m dating isn’t broke and can take care of me to a degree, and I sense that he has some money (parents probably) because he drives a new mercedes and lives downtown by himself in a condo.
  13. Racial Background – he’s half white and half south asian (I think Indian or bangladesh?) and said how his dad was born in like a hut in the village and came to Canada and has his own business as a developer. And that he’s super proud of how hard his dad has worked to provide. I can’t lie, I’m just a normal white girl and I knew nothing about india or bangladesh
    1. Archie – She’s telling on herself here.  Nobody calls her on it, because women can’t be racist.

How she describes herself

I’m very attractive 5’9, fit/curvy, brunette, I work out a lot.

I would focus on “curvy” as a euphemism, but whatever.

How she describes her attraction game. 

I dress up a lot for that class to get his attn and it works, I see his eyes glued to me and when he speaks to me he’s bumbling a tad sometimes.

Of these factors, the are only a few a man can’t control – Face, Age, Height, And Racial Background.  And the last one was the least important thing in her description of a high value man.

The smart guy would look at this list, and act accordingly.  It’s not coincidental that this college girl in the prime of her life isn’t concerned with his bankroll.  For my younger dudes – remember – YOUR MONEY IS FOR YOU, NOT TO IMPRESS HER.  Older dudes get it.

FDS is probably the one source of unbiased information about actual female dating strategy.


Dating Apocalypse Redux

Scorpion called it way back in the day on The Forum. The convergence of broadband, iPhones, social media and online dating have created this creature addicted to likes and hearts.

This convergence was the apocalypse for cold approaches, in two ways. First, the actual cold approach is trying to pull her off of her phone. Second, the phone is actually keeping her out of offline space in the first place. Either she’s so addicted that she doesn’t come out, or she prefers blind dates with handsome strangers and deals with those consequences, rather than rely on her judgment about people in person.

It’s been my experience, and it’s the advice that I always give – when the first meet is the result of a social media DM or a more “formal” Tinder/OkCupid date – the front end of the date is about the guy passing the “crazy homeless guy” test. Do you smell good? Are you observably crazy?

We’ve already seen the whole “Tag the Sponsor” phase of guys with zero game “exposing these hoes” man. (Got to agree with whoever was talking about the latest move to report Cam girls to the IRS as super cringe) But that’s what E-Fame/Instagram brings. Thirsty men with too much money trying to pay chicks to breathe, and the men who can’t get the chicks and can’t afford to pay either.

YaReally already poked the bear when he talked about how guys without the skillset are ill equipped to handle Instagram. How do you deal with your girlfriend getting joy from likes, getting crazy dm’s in her inbox?

If you had a bad chick before the web, believe me, it was bad enough running with her around town. I’ve said this before – she doesn’t have full ownership of her beauty. Men obviously are going to try it, especially drunk ones, but guys that aren’t even real threats, women that hate, women that want to profit, old women, children – if you’re chick is fine enough – she’s getting all of this unnecessary real world attention.

For chicks not so attractive in the real world – online with the proper angles and make up, but also with the connections to high school, college, etc – her objective attractiveness as measured by attention goes way up. In the middle of a relationship, she’s still getting messages from suitors – many of whom are better looking, have better bodies, and have more money.

All of this undermines the security in your relationship in an objective manner. But the real issue here is the subjective manner.

So you come to this realization that Noir put together. You have four types of girls

  • She’s Heavily Engaged in Social Media, creating and consuming
  • She’s Heavily Engaged in Social Media, consuming
  • She’s Not Heavily Engaged in social media, lightly consuming
  • She’s not involved at all.

What is a man supposed to do with this threat?

I can tell you right now, I see women on the train all the time paying more attention to their phones than their children. To be fair, how much you give to your child versus taking care of your own needs has been a constant battle within the gender, one which lots of unscrupulous players have used to their advantage – but this generation of e-zombies is new.

We all know that one of the drivers of a woman’s ego is the need for attention, the right attention.  

So nowadays, Game, good offline interpersonal skills is even more important.  

With the PUA infields on YouTube coming to a close, we’re going back underground.

Pick Up is Going Underground

Download all the pickup videos from Youtube that you can right now.  I use IDM, internet download manager.  Well worth the 25 bucks.

The rumor is that pick up videos, where the guy actually talks to girls in public, are going to be banned by the Youtube Terms of service.

This just happened

The whole community is basically running scared.  Maybe you won’t be able to make money on pick up anymore….Oh No!

Quick Rundown of the State of the Community.

Roosh – He’s converted.  Good luck to him and God, we wish him well.

Roissy – not that he’s all that pick up, been basically deplatformed.

Simple Pick Up – been over.  It’s funny how Kong is talking about how he’s grateful that guys say he saved their lives but doesn’t acknowledge what part of “how to talk to girls on campus” played a part in it.

This classic may be still up.

James Marshall is done. (The London boys do day game and basically changed the industry)

RSD – with the exception of Jeffy, all of them have gone Self Development and deleted all of their pick up content.

No announcements.  RSD Madison is now Mr. Madison.

Here’s the real kicker – try to sign up for a bootcamp.

Tom Torero – No videos at all

The Red Pill on Reddit – Gone.

Who’s left?

Valentino Cohen

James Tusk

(This is actually good series – Indian guy goes from chump to champ and only messes with white girls.  This is the holy grail of the pick up industry.)

Fluid Social 

Tay Social

Todd Valentine

If you’re trying to keep up with Mystery, he rocks with Colgate, but they smartly don’t do any infield footage.

Girls Chase? 

I don’t actually agree with this guy’s advice and this is the only pickup video I can find.  The pick up itself isn’t even on camera and barely on mic.

Only Talking Heads are Left

What you have left are the “talking head” pua/redpill/seduction coaches.


Alpha Male Strategies.  

And the Passport Game brothers

1 Master Teacher


Before you start tearing your hair out, The Pick Up Community started with guys just exchanging notes on their experiences.  So we’re returning to form.


(I don’t see how he does this without getting model releases.)

So now’s the time to grab an external hard drive and get your stuff downloaded.


Most Swiped Instagram Dude?

Fox News is running this story about the most swiped instagram dude.

This is his social media.

This is his chick.

I’m not hating.  She’s really attractive to me.  I might even go a bit more on the exaggerated hour glass, but that wouldn’t be socially acceptable.  Reminds me a bit of Barbie Sins. (don’t google her from work)

Here are his tips.

1. Your first photo must feature a brightly colored background

2. Include at least one sexy holiday photo in your selection of six

3. Make sure you’re doing something different in each of your photos – while looking candid

4. Be active on the app at 2pm on a Sunday

5. Swipe for new matches after 10.30pm on a weeknight

#1 is some smart game, I think that’s something guys should be doing as part of their split testing when it comes to profiles.

#2 is obvious – travel and showing the body you’ve been working on.

#3 gets back to the old concept of “time dilation”.  Take the girl a lot of places in the club, a lot of places during the night, a lot of places during a date, and interact with others – and she feels that she knows you better than she actually does.  Arguably, the trust is building because you’re acting cool and normal with 3rd parties, and it’s not an act that you put on for her. (no, the act is for everybody, lol)

#4 and #5 go into thinking about the woman that you’re trying to get at.  What’s going on in her brain, in her life.  This is how you plan and time your texts.


Weaponizing Daddy Issues

I’ll make this a quick hit.

Great little article came across my feed.

There are a few types of Daddy Issues that we deal with

    • Dad was never “there” (physically, emotionally, whatever is popping this season)
    • Dad was perfect (and you’ll never measure up, loser!)
    • Dad (and the parents) were authoritarians. (A lot of these “red pill” dads are gonna turn little Keisha and Caitlyn into strippers.

But this is about type 1.    And this is why you should do some real screening when you are considering promoting a girl up a level.

…if a person’s father was emotionally unavailable—meaning he constantly fluctuated between dismissive and rejecting to idealizing and controlling—the person may be drawn to a partner who operates similarly. The unconscious promise of remastering a painful childhood dynamic is exhilarating and intoxicating. Winning the love of a partner who unconsciously reminds a person of a rejecting parent offers a chance to eradicate the original pain.

You can tell this is written by a woman and for a female audience with this line.  There’s some hedging on the he or she stuff, but this narrative, this lie people tell themselves is rarely directed at men.  Those men that do fall victim to these chicks (who among us have not?), are ridiculed.

It’s written to be gender neutral – but even a blind man can see it.

The author goes into some tight game here though.

The hook is that many emotionally unavailable people launch a relationship by wooing their partner. By idealizing and showering a partner with the affirmation and validation the partner is hungry for, the emotionally unavailable person easily reels a partner in.

Affirmation and validation the partner is hungry for.

This is the old chest nut.

Tell a pretty girl she’s smart

Tell a smart girl she’s pretty

She goes on to write

Yet once the emotionally unavailable party has the partner invested in the relationship, he or she changes the game. Suddenly he or she becomes dismissive and critical.

This throws the partner into a panic because the love he or she longs for is yanked away, which reawakens the trauma that an emotionally abusive parent inflicted. Instead of recognizing the reality of the emotionally abusive relationship, the partner experiences searing emotional pain.

I want to focus on the part right here – “instead of recognizing the reality”.

I understand what that means intellectually, but who can honestly do that in the moment.  This bit of therapy is a bit of victim blaming if you ask me.

But I’ve said before, if you were to give the average attractive woman the sociopath test – she’d “pass” with flying colors.

Let’s read how this woman describes an emotionally unavailable partner.

    1. They swing from loving you to treating you with disdain.
    2. They believe they are right and have difficulties entertaining a partner’s perspective if it differs from their own.
    3. It is their way or the highway.
    4. It is almost impossible to resolve conflict, and simple disagreements explode into nightmarish fights.
    5. They play the victim in order to garner sympathy and avoid taking responsibility for their actions.
    6. They display sympathy but lack empathy.
    7. They induce shame in a partner.

Hmm, who does this sound like?

Protect yourself my brothers.
