Mystery Method in a New Age

Mystery Method

As Jay-Z once said

“Students of the game, we passed the classes. Nobody could read you dudes like we do

Most of the groundbreaking ideas that brought “pick up” aka game to the forefront of society were developed in the late 90’s and early to mid 00’s.    It’s not that game didn’t exist before Style and Mystery.

fillmore slim n'nemI mean, a lot of us came up in the barbershop.  I remember hearing about my first player’s ball as RT Idlebird was cutting my high top fade.

Even one of the most famous bits from back in the day was “borrowed” from the great Chris Rock

*Cut and Paste this joint, Youtube’s hating on the embed*

But let’s not get on that “Who invented what..”  Someone’s liable to pull out Ovid.

It’s not yet 20 years later, but a lot of the things I learned way back when have been lost as pick up was mainstreamed in order to get a lot of money.  So a lot of the nuance and geeky technical stuff was put aside so that young “Bro’s” could score with sorority chicks.

It’s funny that “those” guys are the target market, when it’s really the nerdy types that refined it and it’s most useful for.  I digress.

What exactly is the Mystery Method?

First, let’s get rid of the notion that it’s *his* method.   A better way to think about MM is that he broke down what was happening at the bars and clubs into 9 basic steps.  3 phases each having 3 steps.

First there is the attraction phase.  Then there is the comfort phase.  And finally there is the seduction phase.

In real life

  • Man shows up to the venue.   If he’s tall, rich, well dressed, handsome or people seem to know who he is – he’s getting everyone’s attention.   If he’s loud, he’s getting people’s attention.
  • Once the girl lays eyes on him, the animal part of her brain starts to assess him.  “Ooh, he’s tall”  “Ooh, he’s got big muscles”  “Ooh, he looks like a baller”.
  • Sometimes she doesn’t see him initially, or she sees him and looks straight through him.  But she sees how other people interact with the guy.  He knows the bartender.  He knows the bouncers, the owners.  The waitresses are running up to hug him.  He knows the DJ.
  • Maybe she sees none of that, but she does see him hold the attention of a group of people, and they are hanging on to his every word.  Maybe, she’s within earshot of his booming voice, and her interest is piqued.  It could be the content of the conversation.
  • She’s *now* receptive to him.  She’s now in the early stages of attraction.
  • If our would be player steps up to her, she’s more willing to hear what he has to say.   If she hadn’t seen what she’d seen, she would not be as willing to talk to him.    She might even be indifferent or hostile.
  • But she did see him.   She was cool with what she saw.   So she’s open to being talked to
  • Will she meet his standard?  If the man is merely impressed with her looks – for whatever reason – the more that a chick thinks of herself – the less that validating on her looks will get you any where.
  • So you have to QUALIFY her.  Only if she meets the qualifications of “The Man” is she okay with getting to know him better.

What a lot of squares do is walk right up, introduce themselves, run down their accomplishments, and try to befriend the girl, hoping to turn that into a spark.     The squares that don’t talk to women, often feel that they don’t have enough accomplishments to really present a good case to the women.  And some of us even feel that we’ll NEVER have the right stuff…so why even bother?

What Mystery observed, and what many players before and after him noticed was that – Trying to Impress a chick rarely works.  Making her feel like she needs to impress you works like gangbusters.

How do you do that?

Well that’s what the game is.


Moving Towards

We had this discussion earlier this year.

I posed the question, what is advanced game?

For whatever reason, the forum thinks that I have a lot of the stuff.  No my friend, I have a fair amount of experience of trying shit and it blowing up in my face.

blowing up in my face

It is what it is.  I write things down.  I remember as much as possible.  I ask myself, “Self, how could this have played out differently?”

I read.  I get counsel and inspiration from others.  That’s the way it’s supposed to work.

After a certain point though, after you get over the initial hurdles of going from Square to Mack, from Peon to Pimp, from Chump to Champ…you start to wonder where you can take game.

Now, let’s give today’s definition of game.

You know that a woman (human) primarily operates on emotions and feelings.  A woman (human) will make life altering decisions because something feels good or something feels bad.   She’s not deliberating nuffin’.

So this applies to romance as well.  So if she feels sexy,  she feels ready for some loving, and she feels like there’s not gonna be any downside, well why not get cozy with a gentleman?  Where’s the harm?

Conventionally, society teaches us that women only feel that way if a whole bunch of criteria are met

  • You’re tall
  • You’re handsome
  • You have a good body
  • You have lots of friends, popular and well liked
  • You have power
  • You have money

And the way this plays out in real life, girls who don’t have two tits to rub together feel ENTITLED to these Denzel Mandingo’s.

“How dare you even talk to me? Even look at me. Be gone peasant.” – meanwhile the princess looks more like a gremlin.


However, that’s what society teaches.

What game teaches us is that if you can make her feel like she feels when she’s with a guy that’s tall, built, rich, et cetera – that’s good enough.  She exists on feels.  And your job as a player is to supply those feels.

And when she stops feeling those things, she moves on.  When Chris Rock stopped being funny to his wife, they got a divorce.

So that’s game…. Giving her the feels, and doing it consistently.

We’ll talk about that in some detail…

So what exactly is advanced game?

It’s giving her the “feelz” PLUS!

Something like that.   When you interact with a young lady you’re using the 3 main tools, but leaning on one

  • What You Say
  • Touch
  • Where you move her to

Most game is about the talking part.  Through words, you touch on her emotions.

But what if you could cut out the talking?

That’s where I’m thinking advanced game is.

A player that can get a chick’s primal brain in a primal way.

We’ll discuss further.


On Dodging Bullets

I’ve had a grip of LTR’s.  Enough 3 day stands and Same Night Lays to honestly say that I’ve had success with this game thing.   But the LTR’s stick with you.   Going out and replacing a sex partner is as simple as going out regularly after a certain point.  The more you enjoy the process, the easier it is.

But a chick that rises through the ranks from

  • one time only
  • okay, you can stay the weekend
  • Once a week
  • Secondary
  • Primary
  • OMG, Why am I accompanying you to your Christmas Party…

Somewhere between Secondary and Primary, you have to have noticed some non-sexual value.   And most of the time it’s nothing so tangible as cooking, brings other girls into the mix for you, great with money, awesome connections.

No, its something far more nefarious.   The chick is cool to be around.   If you haven’t done this for a while, that sounds like a low bar.  But the more chicks you deal with, the more you start to realize how teething pullingly agonizing dealing with these chicks are.  So the one time you meet a chick that likes Wu Tang and Seinfeld

You start to feel “some type of way”.  That companionship is not something a girl can truly fake her way through.   She has to have that as a person.  And it’s really a puzzle piece more so than some sort of trait that you can trace from chick to chick.

Anyway, I had this in one way or another with all of my exes.   Some were better than others, but the game mentality allows you to find value in everyone, so you do.

So this particular Ex just recently had a kid.   No we are no longer FB friends.  But we do have FB friends in common.   So there’s been a ton of gushing that I’m seeing proxy. (I actually don’t have the FB app on my telefono, but my work is dead boring some of the day – so perusing via browser)

I saw the pictures.

Neo dodges the bullet

Broheim, the Ex looks exactly like her mother.   And I don’t mean that in a good way.

If you’ve got a chick in secondary position, and you start getting the feelz… meet her mother.

Indeed, if a random chick or a plate wants a bump in rank, meet the friends.   If she’s surrounded by some superficial cackling bitches, chances are high that she’s not even secondary material.


Occupational Hazards

So What Do You Do?


Question came up on the forum.

I think new players typically treat this question as a “Test”.  Tests require clever answers.

A Square, a guy not even aware of the game, just says, “I’m a credit analyst at a bank” “I’m a mechanic” and they look to the girl for reaction, ideally approval.

If it’s something the girl understands what he does, and she’s feeling him, “Ooh great, I always need a good mechanic”

^Now before we get really deep into this topic, let’s just break apart this seemingly innocuous statement.

On one level, she’s excited and giving the guy validation.  On another level, she’s the one who’s giving validation.  And on yet another level, some girls see the guys they meet as tools for their own ends.  She finds out what you do, and she already has a role for you to fill in her life.

Unconsciously (?), she’s already trying to use you.

I wonder if you said porn star what her reaction might be? lulz

Back to the new players. The young players typically don’t answer the question like a square.   They have been made aware that women judge how you respond to this question.

Where new players typically falter, is that they focus on the literal communication, but not the sub-communication.  Guys that get it focus on the sub-communication.

newbs – answer “smart ass”

journey men – answer smart

vets consider the context, the specific interaction, the timing, her tone, whether he’s passed certain goal posts, and he understands her subcommunication.  Hostile or Pleasant, he then takes what she wants to know and uses it to his advantage.

So here’s how I handle it

I working in a high prestige/high income field, but my actual work is low prestige/middle income.   Technically the janitor @ Google works in Tech.

So when girls ask me this question, I haven’t personally made peace with what I do all day. (In fact, I spend a lot of my days plotting my way out, as well as doing what I truly love – and that’s writing)

Because it causes me pain to deal with this, that angst/anxiety telegraphs itself.  So at first I was doing a lot of the above.

– one liners
– flippant answers
– never being serious
– changing the subject
– flipping it around and accusing her of something
– being very honest
– answering a different question than she asked (the politician)

Sometimes this was fine, sometimes it was fatal.

But my game has grown since those days.  Even if my job has not gotten much better.

For 1, I recognize the setting and when during the approach the question comes.   If she’s coming at me hostile or friendly or if she’s just passing the time – I see this question as an opportunity to get closer to getting in to her pants.

Pretty much any of the common shit tests should be seen as OPPORTUNITIES.  It’s like you exactly know what’s going to be on the final exam, why wouldn’t you have a A+ answer?

Second, having done this for a while, I recognize that girls have an insatiable need for novelty.  They need “new feels” all the fucking time.  Girls get jaded quickly.  And guys respond with the same basic ways all the time.

You might “pass” the test by being clever or switching the frame…but I want to blow her mind.

More often than not, I like taking innocent questions and just drawing her deeper into my web.  When a chick is hostile or indifferent, this overarching strategy of taking her lame tests and bringing her into a new space works to the point that she looks at me different.

Third, If I give her the truth directly, indirectly, it might change the way she feels about me.  If I don’t give her the truth now, eventually she’ll come back to it.   Your work is not something that’s easy to be vague about.  If you have anything with this chick, just time wise and attention wise work is going to come up.  She doesn’t need to know the details though.

So how I used to do it.

*night game, girl is open, seems positive*
WIA – “The bread pudding is magnifique!” (in a french accent cause I think it’s funny)

Chica – “So what do you do?”

WIA – “Banker, but they cover the bread pudding with this brown sugar and bourbon sauce, and it’s like big as the whole plate.  It gets all over your fingers, and your lips.  Son…you gotta go to this spot…”

The key is that I don’t dwell on it, but I continue with my passion.

And this was okay.   I could have a high prestige job, a chick would remark to herself that I was humble about it, and didn’t lead with it.   That’s what most guys do.  They lead with their big job, big car, big house.  When i’ve had those things I tried that shit too. (this was despite knowing game) And all that ever did was put me in the provider category.   LTR or FB, you have to fuck her fast.  Provider category is the slow train.

I’d spend a few seconds redirecting the conversation to something sensual. (because i want to move the ball closer to sex)

I kept getting this question, and it kept sticking.

So I went back to the essence.

Game is all about what’s not being spoken, but what is being said.
I’m trying to bang her body, but I need her mind first.

What is she sub-communicating to me?
What can I sub-communicate back to her to move the ball forward.

So now, I improvise the words everytime, but my structure is this,  at most this whole thing takes a minute.

“So what do you do”

WIA – I like smart/perceptive girls.

(you can ask her if she’s smart? or you can just make the statement)

(smart works for dumb chicks – they want to feel smart, perceptive is better for smart ones – they like to touch other stuff, and dumb girls might not know perceptive, lol)

WIA – I’ll give you some clues

*puts one hand up*

*she should put a hand up*

WIA – “Feel my hands, are they soft or rough”

– give her a command
– get *her* to initiate and break the touch barrier
– give her an easy question to answer
– opportunity to comment on her soft hands, “someone here never does dishes*

WIA *move her hands to the bicep* “Big or small”
– if she says big, I tell her that she’s not perceptive (tease)
– if she says small, I tell her that she’s trying to hurt my feelings and needs to make it up to me later (projecting a future with her and me in it)

WIA – *move hand to the fro* (might be hard to adapt for you straight haired guys) – Either I’m really good at my job so I can look like this, or my job doesn’t really matter that much and they just need a warm body

WIA- Now you’ve heard me talk.  I’m pretty shy.  What do you think I do?
I have faith in you, i think you’ll figure it out.

———-  Well you get the picture.


Embrace Attention


We will discuss the mechanics of the game in detail, but there are some meta habits and pre-cursors that are necessary in order to do the technical stuff.

Most guys that find the game online are the kind of guys who are used to looking for solutions.  They know the truth is out there, and if they are diligent enough, they will uncover it.

That mindset, the curious mind, is not always the most …shall we say outgoing.  Indeed, a lot of guys getting into the game lean towards the shy and introspective side.   You really can not get a guy like that to show his personality, unless he’s with close friends and family.

So if you throw him to the wolves of the nightlife, he’ll shrivel.

These guys, I am one of these guys..we thought we were odd, that we were different, that we were broken somehow.   And I’m willing to bet a lot of you lean towards the brighter side of the IQ distribution. So it only seems logical….

Well, the truth is that most people are not extroverts.  Scratch than, most men aren’t.  Women, on average, tend to be a lot more social.  And it makes sense because women are not allowed to do much by their parents, school, or society.  Society teaches them to get others to do the tasks that they need doing.  Lifting things, reaching things, opening things….  So just by that, women talk to people and get them to do things.   (At least in the West)

They deal with attention, and some of them deal with it well.  Though many do not.  Sometimes there is too much attention, sometimes the wrong kind of attention…and sometimes no attention because of various judgments.

But back to the fellas,

They do not like interacting with people for the joy of it, and they don’t want to be in the center of things.   They don’t want to be in charge.  Leadership is reluctant, and as a gender we look down on guys who call attention to themselves.  Especially if they can’t back it up.

Attention is where the game is.

One must learn to enjoy attention.

– Archie

(*WIA loves music, rock, rap, reggae, soul, funk, blues, R&B, electronica… There will be Country on this blog.  Cry about it)

Opening Two Sets Is Easy, Closing is the Problem

Handling a Two Set in Game

You hit your favorite venue.  The staff knows your name when you enter the spot.


Got your Indochino on…after 4-5 suits, they finally got your pattern down.  Smelling like the most expensive thing that Sephora has to offer, You’re feeling yourself. …and then you see them.

Two smoking hot chicas, dressed to kill, in your place of worship.  One is obviously cuter than the other.  They’re engaged in some chit chat, but you can feel that the cute one likes you.

How does a player handle this situation?

The average player basically has two thoughts on this.


sniper approachI’m going to observe these young ladies, and then wait for the moment when the cute one separates from the less attractive one and then make my move!!

The veteran knows that when two girls come to a venue together, they’re attached at the hip.  Sniper style approaches are only useful in situations where you can not be seen talking to  a girl. (Like her wedding)

The Guns Blazing Approach

Guns Blazing Approach

“I’m going to just go in guns blazing and approach the one I like”.   You’d think that this is the weaker of the two common strategies, but sometimes the one you want to talk to  is receptive

With no other options, or other ways to think about the issue, this is how you can do it.

Thinking Outside the Box

How does a veteran think about this issue?

The problem of the two set is not present with a girl on her own, or three girls, or a mixed group.   The issue is that there’s a dynamic between the two girls.

So you have to recognize the social dynamic, and then figure out how to use that to your advantage.

Here’s a classic way to handle it, it’s called the Best Friends Test

Here’s how the written version.  (Don’t you hate it when folks have you watch a video?  Dude, I’m at work…)

Best Friend Test

Style goes on to say that after you open the two set this way you can really start tap into their frequency and get all sorts of intel from the two of them.

Best friends?  Are you sisters?

“You two are terrible, I bet your best friends”

  • accusation
  • put them on notice
  • put them on defense
  • your playful mood CAN make them playful

The key here is the that you have to approach an interact with the two girls as one.

To be honest, opening them is the easy part.

Lemme paraphrase another 2 set opener that I read recently.

You see two chicks.  and then…

WIA – “You know anything about drama?  Dig this.  One of the homies been with his chick for a good 4 months.  They make the cutest couple. ”

*stand with girl A, grab her hand, lean on her like a boyfriend*

But then they sort of broke up all of a sudden.

A’s “friend’, more like a frienemy is always up in Ol Boy’s face, So Bertha gets with my boy after Agatha breaks up with him.

Should Agatha be mad?  They did break up.

So the idea here is

  • Talk about a social situation
  • You can get into roleplaying
  • Make sure you get kino with Girl A and Girl B

There are situations where it’s actually difficult.  Two seated chicks having what looks like to be a heart to heart conversation is probably the hardest situation that a player sees on a regular basis. These rude chicks are ruining fun environments by being serious, and then are pushing away the world to stay in serious mode.

Isolation of the Target in a Two Set

….Great, now that you’ve opened the two of them and they’re talking to you…HOW DO YOU GET ONE?

Wait…before you focus on one….

Maybe you can bag both.  (Vicky Cristina Barcelona)

Overall, you’ve got some options.

  1. Recruit a Wing Man
    1. Be very careful, a bad wingman can kill everything
  2. Recruit the Crowd by merging the Set.
    1. That is ask a question that they *can’t* seem to answer, and just grab a stranger.  “Hey Stranger, We’re trying to settle a bet….figure this out…”
    2. From there
  3. Engage both, show one more attention but be respectful of the other one, and get the contact information.
  4. Neutral Close them both, call the one you want. m “Yeah, we should totally get together on that thing I was talking about”

Still a tough situation.

– Archie

Then I Realized I Hadn’t Launched the Site…

You’d think I’d know my way around WordPress after launching a dozen Amazon Affiliate Niche Sites…

Site’s here.  It should grow a lot.  I’ve written a bunch online, in different forums, and on my laptop.

The point of the site is for me to collect and organize my ideas so I can write a series of books.

No, I will actually finish my books

The tone will be very WIA.

No Red Pill, Alt-Right, Manosophere BS here at all.

Trying to figure out the comments.  I don’t want to be the guy that has to read comments then approve them.

And my site won’t be a free for all.  Fuck that.

So site’s up.  More content is coming.


Cop seeks rapport with Suspect

As far as I’m concerned.  Game technology really hasn’t advanced since the late Aughties.   New technology has changed the scene a bit.  Back in the day, there was not swipe right or swipe left.  So maybe I’m not 100% correct…

But in terms of the game that matter, not more efficient scheduling, not a whole lot has changed.

  1. See A Girl
  2. Walk Over There
  3. Get her attention
  4. Keep talking until she reacts
  5. Use her reaction as fuel to really start the interaction going.

There is some stuff at the edges that you should do to make things easy, but the basic premise is that you want to light a fire under a girl and turn it into a blaze…for you.

So the game that I concern myself with is the stuff that gets her emotions going.  The working theory that I’ve cobbled together from comparing my experiences to those of others is essentially that real game is sub-communicating.   The mere fact that you can sub-communicate is attractive.  And send the right signals…

Well you know the rest.

So to that end, I’ve been looking for deeper forms of sub-communication in game, but also outside of game.

Enter Interrogation.

A novel interrogation technique borrowed from the war on terror..

Here’s the key phrase

But the central finding running through much of HIG’s research is this: If you want accurate information, be as non-accusatorial as possible—the HIG term is “rapport-building.” This may sound like coddling, but it’s a means to an end. The more suspects say, the more that can be checked against the record. The whole posture of the interrogation—or interview, as the HIG prefers to call it—is geared not toward the extraction of a confession but toward the pursuit of information.

Rapport Building.

Now i’ve you been in the game a minute, Rapport is something that happens when a girl realizes that she can share anything.  Rapport is typically achieved when she opens and the conversation goes from you talking 90% of the time and her giving one word answers, to a nice back and forth.

Wide Rapport is talking freely about a lot of topics.

Deep rapport is talking in depth, typically about personal topics.

So the cops have figured out that you can get a whole lot of information out of suspects by creating rapport.   Who said cops had game?

For we who pursue the playerly arts, this is not news.

But let’s break down stuff in the article that stands out.

intense stare

Intense stare?  Already stacking the deck here Wired.

married to a woman

One should raise an eyebrow here.  It’s 2016, shouldn’t his past be his past? lol.  It’s interesting when the mainstream media bucks the mainstream media trends.  (You know I gotta throw a bone to my Red Pill fans.)

Now we get to some interesting stuff.  Criminal Interrogation and Confessions by Fred Inbau and John Reid.

If you’ve watched a cop/lawyer show in the past 5 decades, this is the stuff where they got the perp in the interrogation room, and they basically badger him, lie to him, and break him down psychologically in order to eke out a confession.   The way the cop shows play this out is that they keep pulling out evidence until the perp decides to come clean.

In the real world, it’s more like the scene from Menace II Society

“You know you done fucked up”..

They keep having them repeat the story over and over again, until they misremember something, or one detail isn’t exact.

I hate this sort of thing.  And if you live in a free country, you should too.  This is psychological abuse.

But there’s game here.  The cops believe that they are so right, that they have free license to press their versions of reality on the suspect.

  • the claustro­phobic room
  • the interrogators’ outward projection of cer­tainty
  • the insistence on a theory of the case that assumes the suspect’s guilt

Another juicy quote, “The manual gave rise to a new archetype: the silver-tongued interrogator-someone who, through intimidation and seduction can get anyone to admit to anything.

But you and I both know that browbeating can get you into “romance”.    Indeed, this sort of thing, where you judge yourself to be right can have you at the wrong end of a set of furry handcuffs.

Here’s another good piece.

end up believing

Ignore the lies, but focus on “end up believing they did it”

Okay, hmm. Interested?  Me too.  Not for nefarious reasons of course.  But I see pieces of these techniques in how they motivate people at my undisclosed corporate job.

But can only cops do this?

Of course not.

A researcher learned how to do it, and here’s what she found.

It’s Not About You – Motivations for DTF

According to Grand Puba, there’s only 1 way in and 2 ways out.

There are 4 ways in as far as I’m concerned.  Three ways that have to do with the player, and one that has to do with the girl.

It’s Not About You

A lot of “surface” players do the minimum to get some trim.  They brush their teeth, put on some clean clothes, spritz a little cologne, and head down to their local booty shaking establishment.

If you’ve been to these things before, the scene is pretty much the same.   Guys gather around “guy” areas.   They hold the wall, beer at chest level.  And they watch…they watch…and if the club closes @ 2 a.m. they finally get the courage to spit at a chick at 1:10.

If you’re sober and know what to look for, you see this in every city and in every club.

What you will also notice is that a lot of the girls are just as stiff and just as afraid to talk to people.

Not all of them.

Some of them have their game face on, and their positioning themselves to attract the most attention.  Partly because they’re attention whores, but some of them chicks are trying to bang that night. (Forthcoming post DTF tells)

What motivates that DTF State?

Sometimes it is hormonal.   The right time of the month hits, ovulation, and unconsciously she shows more skin, and is more open to getting into it with someone.

Standard ‘internet pick up stuff’ focuses on these sort of bio-signals.  WIA is not about the standard bullshit.

When you really deal with women, you’ll see how little sex means to them, and how much their inner life and emotions dictate their actions.  For the truly sharp readers, they see these patterns in women and notice them in men.  For the God-Like among you, ultimately you’ll see these things within yourself.

A chick will want to sow her oats for all sorts of reasons, things that have very little to do with the guy.

She could have just gotten into a fight with her man.  And sleeping with another guy is her way of getting back at him.

She could be down in the dumps, maybe she doesn’t feel sexy or pretty.  Sleeping with a guy is something that strokes her ego.

It could be her birthday and she’s in a good mood.  Instead of flaming hot cheetos or Talenti Gelato she wants a banana to split her in two.

Men do not really have the option to have sex to fill some other emotional needs.

Women do.

So even when your game is on,  It’s not always about you.

How would you use 1,000 bucks to improve your game.

First things first, you already have all the tools you need right now.  Game, increasing your romantic options is one of those things that is very hard to throw money at.

Sure, people will sell you something that they claim will fix your problem – but even if it was Denzel Washington and Don “Magic” Juan’s personal advice tailored to you – the typical game problem is that a guy is afraid to try it out.   So they look for hacks, ways around doing the work.

Your game won’t get better if you don’t face your fears.  If you don’t try to talk to girls to see what sort of impression you are making.

With that said, if I was just starting out, knowing what I know now

  1. Knowledge – I used to say Bang (Roosh V) was a good option, but I think a new player needs to reach further back into the classic era. So now I’d recommend Magic Bullets by Savoy.  It’s very close to the Mystery Method.  To round out the classics, I’d locate Juggler’s stuff on conversation and Brad P’s underground dating seminar. (Most of this stuff is a google search away).  Then circle back to more modern stuff and smooth it out.
  2. Voice Coaching – People need to be able to hear you (volume and projection) and understand your words (enunciation). A few sessions with a vocal coach will help you immensely.  Finding a voice coach isn’t the easiest thing in the world, and you’re more likely going to have to check out offerings at a university, specifically their theater department.  Which leads me to…
  3. Acting Class – Yes you have to memorize lines, but acting is more than just repeating what someone else said. You have to understand the material and have the volume, tone, and body language of the person in the script.  There are lots of opportunities to learn how to act. (There are not as many opportunities to act professionally)  As a side benefit, theater people tend to attract hotties.  Anything that can make someone famous and popular attracts women.
  4. Improvisation Class – “Just go with it” is the main lesson of improvisation, but this will immensely help out your ability to keep a conversation going. This can be a subset of theater or of comedy.  A couple classes, not an entire course, will sort you out.
  5. Personal Trainer – Game is primarily communication and communication is 93% non-verbal. If you aren’t in shape, or you could be in better shape [iron game link] – a personal trainer will put you on the right path.  That being said, fat loss is 95% diet, and 5% exercise.  Muscle gain is 50/50 diet and exercise.  Is it possible to lose fat and maintain/grow muscle?  Yes, but it won’t be easy. [link for lean gains]
  6. Professional Photographs for your Online Dating Profile – I don’t mean the ones that you got as a kid at Sear’s. Just not using your camera phone, not taking selfies, but actual shots of you looking cool.

What I wouldn’t spend 1,000 bucks on in order to do well with the ladies?

  1. Clothing – Great clothes can draw the female eye, but then you still have to approach and deal with her nonsense. So that 500 dollar sports coat you got from SuitSupply didn’t get you $500 closer to your goal.
  2. Anything for your car – chicks do not care about that stuff, by and large. Big shiny rims are great for parking lot pimping – but like the suit or the flashy designer threads – what they say to the chick is that you’re successful.  She has to equate monetary success with sex, and there are plenty of old men with long bread that can’t get a chick to even look in their direction, despite the S-Class in the parking lot.

What I’m on the fence about

  1. Pick Up Coaching – I don’t know if you can get personalized, in-field coaching for 1,000 to begin with. What a pro can do for you is point out your flaws in field. That’s useful.  But it’s only useful if you learn from the pro, and go back out there and practice.  In terms of securing a good coach, that’s a whole new can of worms. Who do you trust? Who’s going to be able to see your issues?
  2. Travel – As of this writing, you can catch a roundtrip flight to Bogota Colombia for less than 400 bucks. 600 is more than enough money to do some damage in Latin America. Travel broadens your experience and makes you a better man.  In a roundabout way this does help your game.  However if you find yourself knee deep in some Brazilian gunch one week and then come back home and have to deal with these entitled chicks the next week – you’re going to move to the past of least resistance.  White guys that go to Asia deal with this a lot. Why figure out how to bang American hotties when you cannot change a thing about yourself and have a much easier time in Asia? We’ll talk about “love” trips as time goes on – but I think the correct reason to visit Thailand, Czech Republic, or Peru is because you want to be where that flavor is abundant, not because you can’t get quality at home.
  3. Language – This will open up the # of girls that you can talk to. So if you living in Miami and don’t speak Spanish, or California and don’t know Korean/Vietnamese, or Brooklyn and don’t know Russian. But unless you get on a plane, this is of marginal use for running game in America.
  4. Making More Money – In general, making money hurts your game.  It takes time away from the important things in life.  It makes you a target for gold diggers and women 26 and over.  We’ll come back to this, but the fantasy that having a billion dollars cash will make the chicks you want run in the door, and you can bang them, and you can manage them… Well that’s a pipe dream.