Red Meat – White Knights, Female Privilege & Murder

The TL:DR –

Crowded bar.

Women’s bathroom was long (because it’s always long)

Chick tries to go into the men’s room.

Dude, moves in front of her to go the men’s room.

Security, pulls the guy away, and let’s the girls use the Men’s Room.

Scrote pulled out of mens bathroom so me and my friend could pee at the bar
byu/missgelassenheit inFemaleDatingStrategy

These same set of women have a hissy fit if a transwoman uses the bathroom, because the women’s bathroom is sacred.

This is the world we live in.

I’m not mad about it.

What is interesting to me, and useful to you – is her desire to gloat to the sisterhood on how some stranger guy was “put in his place”.  

TRIGGER WARNING – First few minutes of this video is an actual murder.  It took me by surprise, so I’m telling you guys.  Literally trigger warning.  

The woman rolls up, shoots another woman in the head, and walks back to her double parked white subcompact.

What’s not interesting is the murder.  Women murder or incite men to murder other men all the time.

What’s interesting is the cops talking about the murder, in a way to take away accountability, responsibility, and agency from the woman.

All I see is a murder.

A chick using the men’s bathroom vs cops subtracting culpability – it’s the same kid gloves treatment, just differences of degree.


I Just Wish He Would Communicate

One of my favorite subs on Reddit – it shows female nature (and hypergamy) in all of its unedited glory.

Withholding as a Form of Abuse
by inFemaleDatingStrategy

So let’s break this down

First – It’s important for women to define their ex-lovers as abusive.

my former relationship was, in fact, abusive due to the following reasons:

This is a key part of the strategy for them to cope with the guys they pick, and the man not being a woman.

It’s okay to be a man.  And part of being masculine is stoicism.  A man needed to be heartless to kill a nursing water buffalo.  He needs to NOT identify with his dinner, with his enemy, in order to survive.

• My ex kept his “thoughts, feelings, hopes, and dreams to [himself] only.”

According to her, this is a bad thing.

This is what science says.

Revealing Little as Possible

• My ex remained “silent and aloof toward [me], revealing as little as possible.”

This is a problem for chicks,  but we all know that when you let a chick see the wizard behind the curtain – it hurts the relationship long term.

FD on the topic

FD ain’t no Red Piller, playa mack, by any stretch of the imagination – but they really do not want to know, do not know how to handle it, and will punish guys for doing so.

• My ex repeatedly stonewalled me after I voiced my concerns. He would disappear for days under the guise of “needing space”. Upon coming back, my concerns were never discussed or resolved.

My man! Sometimes you gotta walk away before the chick pushes you, or the relationship to the point of no return.

All of this is gold.  (and keep in mind, we don’t now why they broke up, but this relationship maintenance behavior cuts both ways.)

My ex knew how to create an illusion of intimacy, sharing things that held little to no emotional importance to him. Withholding information was his way of:

• Maintaining the upper hand (control) in our relationship.

• Ensuring he stayed unattached, potentially a defense mechanism against real or perceived separation/rejection.

• Ensuring little to no emotional turmoil (shame, guilt) for abandoning me during, before, and after conflict.

• Avoiding accountability for his mistreatment.

If that’s how she sees it.

But analyzing these things makes the young player realize what she wants.

I’m not even sure what “upper hand” in the relationship means.  It’s not like these chicks don’t have their own lives, their own jobs, their own money.

And what does attachment mean?  I’m here ain’t I.

But this key line here – she wants you to feel bad for abandoning her in times of conflict.

Ensuring little to no emotional turmoil (shame, guilt) for abandoning me during, before, and after conflict.

99 times out of 100, she has some issue with what he’s doing.  Whereas the 100 things that she does, he never says a word.

And if he does?  He’s controlling and abusive.


Self Sufficient

Re: Cameron Diaz
Again, we pay attention to the musings of “high status” women because they give us insight on how women think, in particular women trying to be high status.
I’m assuming Cammie D is a multi-millionaire from her acting gigs.  But Hollywood tends to chew up actresses and then throw them out.  Who knows how long Margot Robbie has left?
So what would a man do to weaponize this undercurrent in female thought.
He would talk about his own self-sufficiency of course, but he’d imply that her being with him, he could show her how, so she wouldn’t need a man ever again. (lol)
My favorite Cameron Scene

The Lipstick Index

Female Author calls for an end to the Lipstick Index.

Alternate link.

What is the Lipstick Index?

In times of economic crisis, lipstick sales often increase.

Hmm, wonder why that is?

Obviously it’s not because women desire to attract mates with resources!

A 2012 study corroborated the idea, though its authors attested the phenomenon to “women’s desire to attract mates with resources.”

That can’t be it!

Sexist rationales aside, the lipstick index seems real—or, at least, maybe it did at the time of its creation. But in recent years, journalists and economists have debunked the metric: The data simply didn’t corroborate it. In 2009, the year after the start of the Great Recession, lipstick sales declined by nearly 10%, according to Fortune, instead of rising as the index might have predicted.

Here’s the author’s characterization.

When more extravagant luxuries seem out of reach, the index suggests, lipstick is an affordable treat.

and also

Some analyses have suggested that nail polish, or mascara, or face masks, or candles, have become more popular as inexpensive pick-me-ups during an economic downturn

So with those purchases in mind, she then states

The money people use to indulge in self-care are now too varied to offer a single indicator of economic health

The game lesson here is that women people will often use external purchases to alter their internal state.

  • “Affordable treat”
  • “Pick-me ups”
  • Self Care is an indulgence (Wait, that’s not what she said! Not in that way)

In terms of weaponizi using this information in tryna f connecting with these ladies, these characterizations of behavior are nice little narratives that a man can offer when a woman is at an impasse.

  • “Baby, it’s just a little fun”
  • “Don’t you need a pick-me up every once in a while”
  • “I like to call it self care”

Some of my readers may use these nudges in nefarious ways!  To thee I say Nay!  These observations are strictly for defensive purposes!
