The Problem of the High Value Man

My Man Iso brought this gem up.

I got respect for the Black Red Pill Squad in YouTube, and AMS is their leader.

To summarize AMS – Kobe is a “High Value Man” because he is serious, stayed on his purpose, maximized his skills, doesn’t laugh, doesn’t hang out with folks.

High Value … Sure.

Here’s Kevin on the topic

What do women think of as High Value?

Peruse at your leisure, but it’s “The List” of good qualities + particular behavior towards her.  Mix in whatever political bent she is, and there you have it.

Arguably the crew at FDS are in the BBB Bitter Bertha Brigade – (feel free to swap out B’s as necessary).  But the main thrust of FDS for the player is that what they want is aspirational and reflective of many women.  AWALT? NAWALT?   I don’t care.

The thing I do care about is this idea of “High Value”

I don’t blame the The Red Pill for this.  You can trace back the ideas of the Sexual Market and Sexual Value back to Rollo, and even before that to Roissy.

As a metaphor, it makes sense.

But in practice, you get a lot of guys and increasingly women, trying to “looksmax”.

Vindicta is a great place to see how hardcore women have taken it.

Taking it to PUA old and new, there was some discussion of “value”.  In particular out of the classic/indirect camp talked a bit about the evolutionary signals one can emit to attract women.

Mystery’s 5 Attraction Switches

      1. Leader of men
      2. Protector of loved ones.
      3. Preselected by other women.
      4. The ability to emote.
      5. Risk taker.

It’s from this basis that we get things like DHV stories.  Demonstrating High Value via story telling is a key element of the old school.  We would call it humblebragging today.  Roosh incorporated the humble brag into GALNUC.  And in this modern era, Instagram is used to demonstrate DHV.

From there the peanut gallery can debate whether you should have girls in your Tinder profile or not.  Whether you should wear designer labels, or does it make more sense to get to 9% body fat….

Value is something that’s a static quality and within the man.  If he has high value, it’s part of him and his behavior.

Value is something that can be seen with “honest signals” and the like.  You get weird lines like

“People say that New Yorkers are mean and cruel. But everyone’s been nice to me”

The implication is that the speaker is “high value” and the behavior of others reflects that.

And these value chasers, value definers, be it “how to be a real man” from Internet Daddy or what a real man does from Twitter Mamis, Value is this thing that is tangible, objective, and external.

And this is why they all have the game fucked up.  

This is why we get guys doing monk mode.  This is why the blue pill has guys becoming actuaries, quants, or looking to get their legs broken to increase their height by 1 inch.

This is why guys turn to meditation, or want to learn dark triad stuff and become seducer sociopaths.

Real Value is the emotional responses you create in people.

Most of these Pick Up Gurus are not rich, tall, good looking, etc.  The only one that I can think of that’s conventionally good looking has horrible game.

The PUA guru pulls because he goes out, he starts interactions with girls, he gets them to chase these feelings that he’s giving them.

Now some guys can generate those feelings by just being, some by fame.  A pretty boy can get a girl wet just by his face.

Athlete/Rough Neck is often handsome, but his dominant attitude is the draw.  Nobody, but guys in the community, likes to talk about how women like to follow someone, and just criticize actions from the passenger seat without ever taking the wheel herself.

Being tall doesn’t do anything for a girl, whereas being short is a turn off.

Somehow this happens

Value isn’t static, it’s dynamic. Value is something generated in the interaction.

Random dude on the wall steps into a bunch of strangers, altering their experience in the world for a few brief moments, and they all start to get these intense feelings and emotions.

Sales, Business, Investment, Preaching, Politics, Teaching, Coaching, Psychiatry, Advertising, Marketing, Art, Music, Film, Comedy, Tragedy, Cooking

These things are TRUE VALUE.

These actual feelings that people get via interacting with others, with products, with intangibles, with tangibles – that’s VALUE.

So if I tell a girl an engaging story about the truth of the Titanic and she’s waiting on my every word… If a mediocre girl strokes the front of your pants, looks you in the eye, and walks away…. If the nut seller on Broad street ever comes back, and you smell that mix of peanuts, spice, and brown sugar – that’s real value.

That’s not only something that anyone can do, it’s something that we all do to each other, every day.  You do it at work, at school, when you’re shopping, when you’re participating in social media…..

You are just unaware.  Your mind is rarely engaged in that pursuit, and usually when you do think about these things (interviews), it’s for the wrong reasons.

The guy with game is conscious of it, and practices.  That’s the difference.

What makes him truly high value is that by traveling down the road of feelings, sensations, and emotions – he creates these things within others.


The Eyes Have It

Nice little channel that features some of what I would call “hard skills”.

I recommend a lot of things to dudes on how to improve their game, but two things stand out to me.

Reading the Faces of Others and The Face The Man Shows the World.

Reading faces (and other body language) is a key tool in everyday life.  A lot of people that struggle with general socialization often have an issue with knowing how to read faces and micro-expressions.

It is said that women are better at reading faces – and they expect men to be just as adept.  With that in mind, one must remember that women’s ability to discern truth from body language is really a myth.  Otherwise, no one would have gotten into Ted’s van.

That said, when it comes to making connections with females, reading her pleasure/displeasure is important.  We want to know if we have affected her, positive or negative.  Experience tells us whether we want to continue with either depending on the style that we want.  (If she feels disrespected, good, I meant to).

The more useful part of the game, the offensive part, is using our own faces to telegraph our communications.

Pick Up Guys gravitate to these types of videos

When they should be thinking about these types of video