Anger Part Deux

Anger is also a fuel for dominance.

The problem with pronouncements like this is there is no context

I’d say a good portion of people that get into game “want to get back at these bitches”. They want to fuck chicks and they think that by charming the pants off these broads, they’re somehow righting the scales of karmic justice.


To an extent, that righteous anger WORKS.

I hate to say it, but sometimes what motivates men to “greatness” or at least competence is this need to get back at the world.  Of course, nobody wants to admit how “base” our motivations really can be.

Where I basically draw the line is seeing women as “the enemy”.  I don’t tend to like War or Business or Sports analogies in game – because it quickly becomes “crush the competition”.  To, me that feeds the wrong sort of mentality and closes down more possibilities than it opens up.

But that anger, that rage, it’s usually in the background. It’s rarely in the foreground.

So going back to yesterday’s 10 point break down, let’s just split it back to 2 cases.


Case #1 The Pull

If unfettered anger is expressed during the pull…

An emotionally healthy girl would rightfully reject a guy for being unsound of mind.  Like, why are you even mad dude?

There’s a wringle. Guys who know the game can focus in on the term of art of above.

*Emotionally healthy*

What we know from the game is that even though a “good” girl would exit the scene when a guy gets angry – there are plenty of chicks who get excited and others who go submissive/compliant only in that situation. [Ed. ‘good’ is in quotes]

The legitimate bad boy and the “heart on his sleeve” artist unconsciously trade in this type of behavior.

When these guys start getting mad, showing forbidden emotions – A chick that likes this sort of thing – either goes into nurse/motherly mode or she becomes Harley Quinn. She wants to take away the pain, or ride the train into crazy town.

A lot of these broads, hot ones especially, crave this sort of thing.  Every girl has the story of this boyfriend that put her through the emotional wringer.  When she retells the story (where she’s almost always the victim, never has any agency of her own) – it might be 85% “I hate that guy”…and 15% of  censored for sensitive eyes.

Lots of chicks love the drama until they find themselves at a woman’s shelter.  He said he was a gangsta, and now you’re surprised when those fists come your way?

A lot of that anger I spoke on above, the background hatred, comes from guys who knew chicks that went with these badboys that made them cry.  And she’s sitting on the curb, and you gotta come scoop her ass up.  A couple days later, she’s getting banged by him again…and days after that beaten again.

Meanwhile, poor nice guy made his play, and he wasn’t exciting enough.

Let’s not go there.   Enough has been said on the fact that Mr. Nice Guy is actually very manipulative – and being nice to a girl for the purpose of sleeping with her is actually something a creep does.

Let’s talk about her.  Why do some of the girls like this sort of horrible treatment? I don’t want to use the “C” word (Clinical)…but…
Borderline personality disorder is very gendered

Borderline personality disorder is more prevalent in females (75 percent of diagnoses made are in females). It is thought that this disorder affects between 1.6 and 5.9 percent of the general population.

Like most personality disorders, BPD typically will decrease in intensity with age, with many people experiencing few of the most extreme symptoms by the time they are in the 40s or 50s.

More from this source

A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation

Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating)


Now the thinking man who becomes a player, not a born player but self made, conscious, deliberate – he may dabble in this stuff as part of his pursuit of the dark triad. In my mind, the guy who does this is the Lester Diamond of Casino.

Case #2 – the LTR and the failure of Game to show you how to use Anger

By LTR, I mean a committed one. The type of thing you find yourself in if you’re not careful. The Home Depot and Bed, Bath, and Beyond stage.  Making dinner together, pet names, looking at getting a place, her leaving stuff at yours.

So you’re with a chick, and she does something to displease you. Because you played Mr. Cool during you’re entire bachelorhood, and you never chastised a chick.

If a chick does something you don’t like, you just stopped calling her, you replaced her.  You never tried to tell the bitch her shit stank. Believe me when I tell you that I’ve been guilty of this.

Now what do you do?
Reason with her?
Get mad out of nowhere?

Had you been showing your full range of emotion when you was with the chick before she locked you in a cage, you’d have that avenue.

But since you were player for life, you never had to deal with one chick’s bullshit.

You ever wonder why a lot of these gurus talk about dread and competition anxiety? It’s because they’re looking for external ways to control a broads behavior without having to get their hands dirty. Without dealing with their own emotions.

It’s a direct line from this James Bond idea of never showing emotion, never having any.

It’s not surprising to us that a lot of these guys that are all technique fail to have good long term monogamous relationships when they actually try to. They stay solo and just have stolen drift in and out of their lives. They have retreated into their fortresses of solitude.

So part 3 in a couple of days.


2 thoughts on “Anger Part Deux”

  1. WIA, I am very intrigued by this management of emotions, the willingness to display anger. Many playas dodge it because it feels like showing one’s cards and now the element of surprise is no longer there. I, myself, am included in that sort of behaviour. I think it’s important to bring more of that emotion to the forefront to set off a motion of correction for some of the more damaged lizards out there.

    1. I think this is new territory for guys like me who rap about the game.
      It starts with the “General Male Code” for lack of a better term.
      “A real man shows no emotions” – the type of thing you might read in Sun Tzu or some war manual.
      Then it’s a lot of ways to for guys to basically suppress anger, sadness, disappointment, joy, etc.
      All these stoic mf’ers telling guys that stoicism is the way.

      That’s the default IDEAL for most men. Only a few ever actually achieve it consciously.

      True detachment? That’s really about lacking empathy for others, cause you feel nothing.
      That’s the road to being a sociopath. Which again a lot of guys find appealing.

      I say we need to look into other options.

      It’s clear to me that stoicism is not the route. It’s like trying to exercise your fat off w/o changing your diet.

      Understanding what’s going in in your mind, and then understanding expectations of others – that’s when you can use emotion to max benefit.
      It’s how actors work.
      They turn themselves into believable characters by accessing emotions of those characters – and letting those emotions reflect in their body language.

      Anyone can deliver lines – but are they also broadcasting the non-verbal cues.

      In the initial pull – that’s where we play with these things.
      But also in the relationship – if she does something that fucks us over – you can’t just be stoic about it.
      And if she’s trying to provoke you emotionally – for her sick game – you can’t be stoic about provocation either.

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