Most Bang for your Buck Improvements

It’s the new year, and there are a lot of things you can do to increase your screen/conversion ratio.

Face Time

Obviously the biggest factor in connection is time meeting and communicating with girls.  Nothing will increase your skills, conversion, body count, whatever than talking to girls in real life.  For you guys just starting to get your feet wet, 3 months of 4-6 nights out a week will do a lot more for your game than watching Youtube videos and reading books.

  • More situations and scenarios and problems to encounter
  • More practice with the content
  • More practice with the delivery
  • More experience in dealing with stress.
  • More chances to increase your frame control

Mind Set/Game Plan/Inner Game

I sort of see these things as related, a smarter person could tease them out a little better.  But getting in front of chicks and saying/doing the necessary things is a dance.

You need a little courage to step up.  You need a little more courage to say your first words.  You need a little more to keep going when she doesn’t give you that instant positive feedback.  And you might need a well of strength to keep going out, night after night, and getting indifference.

Part of getting past the lack of feedback is the mindset.

The mindset will come from reading good material, good music, good videos.  What am I supposed to think? How is this supposed to go.  A man just getting into this has to reset his mind as to what is supposed to happen, and what is possible.  And this resetting never stops.  The more I learn, the more I unlearn.  I question assumptions that have gotten me to previous success.

Game Plan – a lot of your initial confidence will be from knowing what’s supposed to happen.  The textbook hook up is rare.

For me, at this point in my game career, I can see subtle signs of interest before I speak, and additional signs when I do speak.  So my aim is to convert, a lot of my actual connections are about seeing that initial spark and blowing it into a flame.  More screening than conversion.

And that’s where we get into inner game.

Inner game is more than “I’m the shit” or “I’m enough”.  Most of us have dialogues in our mind.  It’s the negative voice that usually keeps us from harm, but also stops us from trying things that we want to try, things that might get us to the next level.

Inner game also goes to “in the moment” reactivity.  That’s why guys into pick up get into Zen or other forms of meditation.  If the chick hits you with a test or some other emotional jab, meditation allows you the inner self to not react, but the outer self to ACT.  Ideally, it appears like a reaction to others, but you know that it’s more than trained response to stimuli.

Fat Loss/Lifting/Muscle Gain

I remember CMQ poised this question about diminishing returns on working out.  I know I had strong feelings on the subject then, but in the context of that creatine fog, I don’t know if the message was clear.


Fight Club Lean?

It’s like dudes didn’t even watch the movie.

But getting to about 12-15% body fat, at the cusp of where the 6 pack shows is good enough.  Guys with 6 packs are skinny, and a chick can’t see the washboard in the club or during day game.  Vegas Pool Party?  Venice Beach?  Different story.

In terms of bulk?

Do girls prefer the Football Player or the Football player?

It depends on the girl.  Everyone can be my man on the right.  It takes a shit ton of work, eating, rest, and genetics to be my  man on the left.

What are your best bang for the buck improvements?

One thought on “Most Bang for your Buck Improvements”

  1. Best bang for buck right now in this moment for me is FaceTime and social circle.

    Happy hour is apparently a thing, but I get the sense that it’s more closed off. Need to get boots on the ground, but forcing patrons to be seated at tables and placing those tables far apart kills any sense of spontaneity. I was at a restaurant this weekend, there were people out but everyone was seated, not too much mingling going on.

    Pool parties are a good look right now, too.

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