Year of the Rat


My 2019 was fairly good.  Mexico City/Colombia got bumped off the travel list for SEA, and that was awesome.  Finally hit Brazil, also awesome.

So what does the New Year hold for me?

  1. I’m trying to do Medellin at some point this year for 3 months.  I don’t know how I’m gonna swing it.
  2. I gotta finish the introductory book.  I have a 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2020 versions of the book.
  3. I gotta stop wasting my time on Reddit.
  4. Back to Medellin as the main goal of 2020, that ties in with stepping up my online side hustles, my day job, putting out the book and not wasting time.

All if it sort of flows together.

More later


4 thoughts on “Year of the Rat”

  1. Gong Xi Fa Cai Archie, lookin’ forward to that book. Hope this year is even better than your last, and amen to not wasting time.

  2. Archie,

    How has your perspective on Game changed in 2019 with all of the travel you have done?

    Get the book finished!

    1. @Iso.

      The main thing I was using Eye Contact and touch. A girl can say something dumb or ask you a question and the right sort of eye contact/body language would push her to question herself. I realized that I do that sort of thing in America, but now I have a heightened sensitivity towards it.

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