Technical Game Bible Review Pt 3 of 3

So we come to the end.  I really don’t fee like I’ve given this book enough analysis to be honest.

Saul wraps up the book with 2 chapters.  How to Run Your Nights and Advanced Content of How to Deal with very Socially Savvy Girls.

How To Run Your Nights Out

This chapter is broken up into 10 sections – but the first section is Strategy vs Tactics. (I cover this in my rough draft actually).

Strategy is seen as the overarching game plan to achieving your long-term goals. It is the pathway or bridge to your goals. While tactics are the more concrete, smaller steps that allow you to actually cross that bridge

I would have put this way earlier in the book, but that’s a personal preference.

He breaks down what I call the “timeline of the night”.  How much time to spend in the early stages, when to do your approaches, when to develop your new connections, and when to leave the venue with your new friend.

He gets into screening here, which again is something I’d put earlier.

His 3 screens are Availability (single or taken), Logistics (Covered earlier), and Sexual Openness (aka the DTF a random but charming stranger).

Let’s talk availability.

From my experience, a girl that’s in love with her fiance will sneak off with the guy that rings her bell.

When you read the posts of beginners

    • Initial Offline Cold Approach – Guys often try to establish if the girl has a boyfriend right off the bat.  This gives the girl an easy out if his approach was not good. In fact, girls say this even after a good step up, but a failure on the opener. It’s a get out of an awkward (and potentially dangerous) situation.
    • IHAB shows up after she’s attracted, after she’s aroused, after the hook up – and all of those situations have different meaning given the social context.
    • Social circle situation – Guys are often confused by girls with boyfriends that give them attention.
    • Online, a lot of these Sherlock Homies will do a reverse image search, find the girl’s instagram/facebook/seeking arrangement profile and now are freaking about it (Both Square/Blue Pill guys and Red Pill guys that should know fucking better)

I’m guessing Saul is not trying to lose market share with guys that haven’t fully realized how sexual (and sex crazed) the average woman is.  He’s still honoring the socially programmed code of honor, where you don’t mess with another man’s woman.

What The Game teaches us, is respect for a woman’s choices and her nature.  She’s her own person.  She isn’t controlled by any man, not me, not you.  And to gape into the abyss of female choice and sexuality is akin to experiencing a Lovecraftian cosmic horror.

Openness to Hooking Up

The central tenet of game is that people will follow who has the strongest reality.  The better your game is, the more you operate on frames, on what the meaning of reality is.

How is a piece of paper that measures 2.61 inches wide and 6.14 inches long so powerful?

We’ve accepted the reality of it.  Money is one of the biggest cons there is.

And so is power.

So the belief system the girl comes into the initial meeting with, isn’t the one she has to keep.

“I met someone that makes me look at life differently”

That might be too advanced a concept for a beginner’s book.  But I’m betting that he uses this concept, even is he isn’t aware of it.

That said, his screening for DTF is top notch. And from a different perspective, a man can use the DTF screening as a tool to arouse, change the direction of a conversation, pull lots of details.

He even has a cool little 3rd party trick to “stealth” gauge the chick’s receptiveness on page 201. (Gotta buy the book homie)

From there, Saul gets into the mental process the player goes through as he’s making connections with girls of interest.  Committing to a course of action, staying in set, re-approaching when necessary.

Fastest Way to Get Good

Is a painfully short section.  I’ll leave it at that.

Advanced Content – Frame Battles

Frame Battles: Within any given social space, two conflicting realities cannot co-exist. The stronger reality always wins out.

I mentioned this in my review above, but the essence of Game with a capital G, what turns regular Christians into Creflo Dollar.

He believes so much in the Lord, in himself, that it affects his followers.

So Saul gets into this in a very limited fashion when he gives the play by play for a Club Queen.

The Club Queen – Young, Hot, Socially Savvy, doesn’t care much how you look or how much you make.  She can get what she wants, be it a height, muscles, pretty face, money, whatever.  She’s entitled.  She knows it.

There may be prettier girls out there, but she’s the one your after.  She knows it.  You know it.  And all the cards are in her favor…or are they?

What is she after?  Saul explains, Status.  He goes into her psychology and then gives you insight of both of WHAT NOT TO DO and WHAT TO DO.
Then he caps it off with a great example.  If you have never dealt with these chicks, it reads like fiction.  If you have dealt with these chicks, you want to put your hands through the book and slap the girl on the ass.

Like I’ve said before, the female giraffe kicks the male giraffe in the chest when it’s time to produce the next generation of long neck horses.  Women that antagonize suitors are playing their part in the Grand Game as designed by the creator.


This is a solid piece of work.  I don’t agree with everything, as to be expected.  Most men don’t agree on everything.  But a lot of the core stuff I advocate and use in my own life, he does as well.

You’ll find that successful guys often converge on the same ideas INDEPENDENTLY.  Which is why it’s important for players to keep up on what’s going on in the scene.

I’m not getting paid for this, but I’ll send some of my few visitors his way.