I’ve never heard this before. But Eric Weber wrote “How to Pick Up Girls”. If you’ve read Neil Strauss’ The Game – Style’s plan was to meet all the gurus, learn all of their skills, and then take over the world. So this was reading books, going to seminars and conventions, taking bootcamps, and finally participating in the adventure with Mystery. Eric Weber may have been his white whale. He didn’t meet him until after his journey.
Starts @ 8:34
They call him a nerd, but he Patrice O’Neal doesn’t agree with tone of the Eric. (but it’s from 1975 – pre AIDS, pre stalking laws, pre restraining orders – per Patrice O’Neal)
Eric says, as part of how to do a street pick up, “You’ve got to be cool”
Patrice says there’s this balance between confidence and humble. But the key game point that I want to mention happens around the ~14:00 minute mark.
Patrice – “She wants to be a ho..adventurous. [Ed. Edited for posterity] “Long as they feel like it’s not their fault, that they went home, went to the hotel… You have to make it feel like someone else”
So @ 15:59 Patrice goes out to the street with a microphone and attempts to run some of these Weber lines. The pick up is hilarious. (And stay on for Dane Cook’s take on it)
The jokes write themselves. Internet pretty boy meets a girl online with no pics. Good body, but bad face and smell. He doesn’t hesitate to bang, but now he’s out in public with a chick that he doesn’t like.
So the typical player advice applies, he has to man up and drop the chick.
The question is really why does a self-described good looking guy fall into this trap?
Talking about current events seems like such a cheap move, but there are some game lessons. Lemme throw some red meat to the wolves.
“We never saw the signs”
Kellz has been found guilty of all sorts of things in the court of public opinion. But Him, OJ, MJ and Jay Z were found not guilty in an actual court. I digress.
People are really in their feelings about Kellz. Nobody would ever malign WIA by saying he’s a fan of R&B. It’s not interesting to note that most of R Kelly’s initial fan base was women, but it is noteworthy that his primary fanbase after the criminal trial is primarily women.
Weinstein was trying to use his position to bang the unsuspecting. Cosby straight up drugged chicks. Maybe some were down with that sort of activity, but once you go unconscious – you’re ability to consent ends.
Kellz though? He was (allegedly) targeting chicks at high schools and McDonald’s. That’s some straight predatory behavior if true. Post Trial is where parents were offering up their daughters so they could have a shot at a career.
So let’s recap, 1) most of his current supporters are women, 2) the people who sacrificed their daughters were parents.
In the current blacklash, who’s getting the most umbrage? Is it the female base of Kelly’s wealth? The parents who didn’t know any better?
So with respect to the game, what can you learn. The Kellz topic is not something I’d bring up while trying to bust my raps for a chick. It’s the wrong kind of chick crack. (I was just at Shake Shack listening to some woke daughter jawboning her father about this)
In terms of what to learn from Kelly – I’m not really one to push dark side techniques. But if you read the accounts, it reads like a girlfriend asking you to pet her dog, put some food in the doggie bowl, to ultimately could you watch my dog while I have some guy come over to stay the weekend.
Nicki and Her New Guy
I’m sure I mentioned this someplace else, but the general understanding of The Games that Men and Women play is that the woman tries to get the best, and the man tries to get the most. A man will cheat opportunistically, whereas a woman never cheats – she moves up and/or gets her needs filled. Cheating doesn’t exist per the hypergamous mindset.
Uh. sure.
But in this case, Nicki Minaj is probably one of the top/most successful/richest rappers currently relevant today. She’s being outshone by Cardi B, but that’s neither her nor there.
She shocked the world by essentially just dating some random dude (who has a few charges to his name). He’s not a rapper, ceo, or even some drug dealing boss. He’s just some random dude from Queens. Judging by his ex, I would gladly take a class to study under a master.
A girl like Nicki, who has everything material that she could ever want, her only real options for dating/long term relationships is an equal of a superior. Just go through the list of her peers and superiors. Those are her options as a 36 year old.
And speaking of a chick with too much money, but not a lot of real relationship options
MacKenzie Bezos is about to cash in to the tune of 67 billion dollars, making her the 5th richest person in the world. She ain’t typed a line of code in her life. She didn’t even help him write the business plan.
Mrs Bezos told Vogue in 2013: “I have no business sense whatsoever, but I saw how excited he was.”
She faces the Nicki Minaj/Oprah Winfrey problem too. What about Jeff Beezy though?
He was a hedge fund guy, so there’s no doubt that he knew about real money. The old saw about not getting married. Could he have created an arrangement with Mackenzie? Who knows. But based on the press’s reports of his “sexting”…he doesn’t look like he had the stones.
There are a lot of issues in teaching game. The sort of people attracted to this material, run the gamut from great to goofy. Even the goofy guys figure it out.
A bigger issue is that society basically programs people to consume, to vote, to work, but not to produce, run for office, or to get workers. Schools, Media, Family, Culture, teaches us to be passive, to be robots.
And this is a perfect example of that. Want to save democracy? Try teaching kids to read charts. The reporter (and possibly the editor and the organization as a whole) probably doesn’t have the vision to understand the social value of teaching people to consume versus teaching people to produce.
If you ever wonder why universities in lesser developed countries are always seeming to spark revolutions – it’s because The State isn’t strong enough to have seduced them from an early age into non-action. In the West, we basically channel capable people into the system. *Looks around cubicle as I pen this on my smartphone, because I can’t use the work pc for personal business* In other places, they are painfully aware that the jig is up.
I’ve said before, the guys that have the hardest time learning game, are the good students. Aside from people that have to be spoon fed answers and reasons, there are tons more that can’t even really fathom their own social programming – and don’t realize when the programming kicks in, and when they
I don’t want to get too deep into what is probably driving this particular article – but it’s that old trope of the “low information voter”. People make the decisions they make because they don’t have enough information. That’s type of thinking is part of the Tyranny of the Learned. It’s why Wall Street Quants that work for Hedge Funds, don’t run Hedge Funds. Why Silicon Valley Developers struggle on 6 figure salaries, while their managers have money to do some angel investing of their own.
As to this chart, and how society indoctrinates you to become passive – children should be taught how to make a chart that deceives people.
When you look at the curriculum of the best and most prestigious schools – they often teach a lot of ancient history. John Taylor Gatto (RIP) says that elite education is about 1 thing.
The management of crowds.
While most red pill mouth breather sites are all Marcus Aurelius, and learning to deal with suffering with a stiff upper lip – or some Zen bullshit where you learn to NOT DESIRE so you can never hurt from deprivation – Game is usually more external. They want you to think that’s it’s about control of yourself. By controlling yourself….you can get the girl. Self Control and Self Denial are just one half of the puzzle. Not blurting out the same bullshit that you normally blurt out, controlling your breathing, channeling your flight response into action. ButGame is largely about social control.