There are 6 Basic Options when it comes to the logistics of the date.
- You pick her up
- You meet someplace centrally located
- Meet closer to you
- Meet closer to her
- She picks you up
- She drives over, and you drive her to the location
An intermediate player immediately sees which options are better than others. A veteran player sees all the positives in all of the options.
Let’s go through them.
1. You pick her up
This is the traditional option. And if you’re new to the game – this is not a bad option.
This gives you basic control over her movements the entire time of the date But it’s one of those things to be noticed, and not abused. A guy with zero empathy and entirely narcissistic will drive a chick out to Timbuktu

And the girl is just trapped with some lame.
As we talked about earlier – the main event of the date – movies/dinner/art gallery/pit bull fight – that should take between 90-120 minutes. If the distance between her place and the main event is more than say 30 minutes – you’re going to have to keep a good conversation going.
A guy with empathy, with a smidge of understanding of the human condition will keep the chick within city limits.
So a typical pick her up looks like
- You drive over.
- You send her a text/give her a call
- You walk up to her place
- Knock on the door.
- Maybe step into the foyer.
- Leave without going deeper into her home.
- Walk her to the car.
- Open her door.
- See if she even feigns an attempt to open your door – though hardly an issue in the days of keyless entry
And then you’re off to the races.
On Stepping Into Her Place
Getting into her place is a big deal, both practically and symbolically. Even if she only lets you in part way – you can get a good gander of what the chicks is really like
It better be clean.
It better smell nice.
If she’s Asian, check to see where shoes are. (If they’re not right there at the doorway, make a mental note)
Undisclosed pets (if the dog doesn’t like you, that could be a problem)

The woman goes, “Well, we don’t know if Einstein will like you.”
“Well, can I meet with Einstein?”
“Yes, we’ll bring him to your house, but if he doesn’t like you, he can’t stay. We have to have good homes for these dogs.” She sounded very serious.
Okay. I have this really long driveway, and I open the gate for them, and I start to panic that Einstein is not going to like me. So I run into the kitchen, where I have these turkey meatballs, and I rub them all over my shoes.
High level game – where you don’t fall into the flow, where you don’t wish for the zone – where you actually use your brain – often requires a lot of problem solving.
The Social Default
The social default is that the man has his own place, and that he doesn’t enter hers just willy nilly.
With the pick up, and you have your own place – this isn’t something you HAVE to do. But symbolically, entering her home is useful even still.
Getting In
Very formal chick – not possible to get into her house without a good reason.
Some chicks run late – and will let you pick them up, chill out for a hot second and then go. This is nice. She is inviting you in. Makes it easier to get back.
The threshold to her place is a big deal at the end of the night.
Overall, this is a pretty solid beginner plan.
2. Meet Someplace Central
For you city dwellers – the advantage to this is you can pick a place to meet that’s favorable, and the nearby places are favorable.
When I’m in NYC – I like to meet up at any given bar in East Village/West Village. So a drink here, a drink there, and what do ya know, where back in Washington Heights in some 90% Dominican Tenement.

So if you have to do a movie or a dinner, you know ahead of time
What is around you
Where to transition to from dinner
If the date is good, you don’t want it to end anywhere other than at your place, sharing a box of brownies.
[Ed – So this is what the book sounds like. I’m wondering if I should put out a free underground version with the pictures and links, and then Amazon version that’s less likely to get my sued, lol]
– Archie