Advanced Game – Fred Rogers

“Rogers was extraordinarily good at imagining where children’s minds might go. “

I’ve been neglecting the site, not really adding much to the thread, and sharpening my book by dealing with the hordes of incels and autistics at Reddit.

It’s useful to me because it’s hard for me to know what I know when I talk to cats that are further along.

There is baseline socialization.  You have parents that love you, a few friends, you’ve gone through school, can hold a job, etc.  You have probably had a date, a girlfriend, but not necessarily.

What baseline socialization teaches you about connecting with women is that you need to look good and have resources.  I say this all the time, but it always bears repeating – the Pick Up Gurus of the 90’s and 00’s – realized that looking good and having resources was not important to making that connection.

They observed guys that looked good and had resources, but no women.

Some of them looked good and had resources, not no women.

Those that didn’t have looks or money, went out and got looks and money, but the pattern was the same – no women.

I’m going to throw some mythology onto the development of the original pick up – they backwards engineered what cools guys were DOING.  And it turns out that behavior was the thing that really attracted women and lead to those connections.

Technically, it was a bunch of guys doing the scientific method with applied psychology – sometimes they replicated what cool guys did, other times they came up with things that no legitimately cool guy would do – and it still worked – Palm Reading for instance.

But we saw what pick up did

  • Style was still neurotic, and he chronicles that in The Truth
  • Mystery got taken out by what we could call nowadays hypergamy.
  • Tyler, who may or may not be autistic, basically had to reinvent himself.  And he’s since gone on to have to deal with some issues of his own creation.

That’s life.

I’ve been doing this way too long, and I don’t have all of the background and history 100% correct – but I can tell you that what these boys been talking about has never been Game, with a capital G.

Chances are if you’re a Black American, you’ve been exposed to a lot of game, but very little pickup.  Few of us have ever seen a real live pimp pull a square chick into his web, or seen a hustler convince folks at the salon that the Tide detergent fell off a truck.

I’ve only been privy to that on happenstance.  I could have easily been in another place those particular moments to see some real persuasion going down.

But as I got older and wiser, reading Pimp’s in their own words, reading about psychology, advertising, marketing, history, coaching, teaching, psychotherapy, confidence games…  it became very apparent to me what actual game was – and how some of it seeped it Pick Up, on the low.

My man Fred Rogers was a pimp at the HIGHEST LEVEL.

So when a pickup artist sees a chick at the bar, the sequence is simple.

Get her attention

First words to start that conversation.  Next set of words to make the conversation fun and interesting.  And the final set of words are meant to start banter.

From a deeper level – she may be startled or annoyed or indifferent.  He addresses that early on.  Then as she gets out of that emotional state, he captures her curiosity.  From there, he goes from neutral fun to chat, to one that is man to woman.   And the way I think about pick up, this isn’t discrete moments moving along in a linear fashion, but levels of degree throughout the first part of the pull.

Things written about the game tend to be of the “what to say” and “how to say it” mindset.  But the more you do it, “Why to say it” and “When to say it” end up being the difference between some bullshit on the page, and a chick admiring your book collection at your place.

As you get better though, shifting back to “What to say” becomes more important, because you can set things up with more finesse.

A player only does that after a bit of success, and the desire to refine.

Here’s the rules that Fred came up with.

  1. “State the idea you wish to express as clearly as possible, and in terms preschoolers can understand.” Example: It is dangerous to play in the street. ​​​​​​
  2. “Rephrase in a positive manner,” as in It is good to play where it is safe.
  3. “Rephrase the idea, bearing in mind that preschoolers cannot yet make subtle distinctions and need to be redirected to authorities they trust.” As in, “Ask your parents where it is safe to play.”
  4. “Rephrase your idea to eliminate all elements that could be considered prescriptive, directive, or instructive.” In the example, that’d mean getting rid of “ask”: Your parents will tell you where it is safe to play.
  5. “Rephrase any element that suggests certainty.” That’d be “will”: Your parents can tell you where it is safe to play.
  6. “Rephrase your idea to eliminate any element that may not apply to all children.” Not all children know their parents, so: Your favorite grown-ups can tell you where it is safe to play.
  7. “Add a simple motivational idea that gives preschoolers a reason to follow your advice.” Perhaps: Your favorite grown-ups can tell you where it is safe to play. It is good to listen to them.
  8. “Rephrase your new statement, repeating the first step.” “Good” represents a value judgment, so: Your favorite grown-ups can tell you where it is safe to play. It is important to try to listen to them.
  9. “Rephrase your idea a final time, relating it to some phase of development a preschooler can understand.” Maybe: Your favorite grown-ups can tell you where it is safe to play. It is important to try to listen to them, and listening is an important part of growing.

It goes back to Fred getting in the head of the children he was trying to teach.

I wouldn’t “find and replace” children with women in this case – but I would take this mindset of figuring out how Ms. Ombre Hair and Septum Ring with the Long Legs – approaches the world.

Which brings us back to the Game with a Capital G.  One of the more interesting things I’ve learned about Gentlemen of Leisure – is that the actual process of getting more money out of a customer is something he doesn’t teach.  He doesn’t problem solve for the girl – that puts him in her service.  His main chick is the one that does the problem solving when trying to explain the nuts and bolts to the other women in his employ. (Reminds me of work, lol)

That’s cool and all, but the level of abstraction up, is him thinking through his worker’s mindset and his own duties.  If he solves her problems, she will rely on him to do so.  If I gotta do your work and my work, my work suffers.

Shout to my man Fred.

Not all players wear gators

Beach Game Basics

The Short Story of Beach Game

  • Bulk during the cold months and cut during the warm months.
  • Dress Right
  • Walking to and from the Beach you have opportunities
  • Boardwalk opportunities
  • Sand opportunities
  • Water Opportunities
  • Have a damn plan to get them to someplace with some food, music, drinks, and fun.\

The Long Story


Summer time is here.  We were talking about this on the thread

Hopefully all of your working out in the cold months have paid off.  Now’s the time to cash in.

For me, game always divides into 2 big areas

  1. Looks
  2. Behavior

In 2018, the importance of looks (and extending the visuals to lifestyle game and Instagram game, and Fame Game) is now in the driver’s seat. The original field tested information about muscles and money failing to seal deals has been long forgotten.  It’s been known for a long time – that your behavior is really what drives the interaction – and getting control of your behavior in all aspects is what takes you from incel in the basement reading 4Chan to President of the United States.

Guys are out there taking testosterone and steroids to reach some sort of physical aesthetic that makes the girls fall in love and lust with them on sight.  These macho men, “alphas” are basically employing a feminine strategy – where looks are all that matters – but they’ll hang themselves before they admit to that.

Well, it’s summer time, folks are hitting the beaches and the pools – and this is where ‘Fitness’ actually reigns supreme.

The Game is primarily played at night clubs and bars, around town during the day as you work, school, and shop.  The 6 Pack Crew generally looks skinny in these situations.  To really broadcast the “I work out thus I am a good genetic bet for your future children” is to get “jacked”.  Jack3d is the body builder wearing a suit where his biceps are DEFINED.

It’s such a weird concept that I had to double up on the street fighter references, because actual body builders in suits look like this.

So in the regular world – guys that are jacked look fat, and guys with 6 pack look skinny.  In the game context, guys that do work out generally have to wear very fitted clothing that SUGGEST how virile they are.  Too tight, and you end up looking my man in Flubber.

But Summer.

Pool Parties are not the typical game venue. (Unless your in Vegas, and being jacked AND having a 6 pack is the price of admission – if you want to play the looks game)

On the Beach though?

Anyone can go.  Chicks and dudes are dressed appropriately.  The sun makes people do funny things…


Now, I’ve done my dirt on South Beach and at Coney Island.

My physique isn’t South Beach ready.  Them Russians and Puerto Ricans @ Coney Island were more than okay with less than perfection.  Miami? It’s literally the same set of people – Caribbean based Latinas and others, and Euro Trash.  But the expectations are WAY HIGHER.

Take a good honest look at yourself.  Do you look great naked?

Beach Game has a huge visual component, and if you put yourself in that zone – you gotta be able to deliver.   Cause you’re not talking to some fatty now are you?

You can get away with charming her in the club, but with everything out on display at the beach – you need ROCK SOLID confidence.

Confidence comes from COMPETENCE, so all them hours at the gym need to be overshadowed by all the you’ve spent over the cold months rapping to chicks.

Go forth my friends!


Spectrum players and Tall Tales

This is one is about a woman learning to play the game.  Instead of sex, she’s making money off of guys.  The fact that she’s autistic – means that she has to break down all of ways people communicate – verbally and nonverbally

Some choice quotes

I struggled to read people’s emotions through cues like facial expressions, postures, and tone of voice in real time. I processed events after the fact with tenuous evaluation, like peeling off layers of old wallpaper

Facial expressions, body language, and eye contact are the bones of communication and it’s quite difficult to build and maintain relationships without the ability to read them.

And for my tech dudes – why you should make your DHV really DHV

Exaggerating when retelling previous experiences fosters relational closeness

Participants reported feeling closer to the confederate when exaggerations were included, even when they knew the facts the storyteller was retelling. Discussion centers on reasons why being entertaining was more beneficial in creating relationship closeness than being honest.


Classic Material

Still working on the manuscript.  So much written.

So I found this digging through the stacks

Sinn used to work for Mystery I believe.

This is direct game.  Starts @ 36:48, but the whole thing is good.
