The Power of Story

On the subject of persuasion, there’s a near-unanimous consensus among neuroscientists: Stories are the single best vehicle we have to transfer our ideas to one another. Stories trigger a release of neurochemicals that force us to pay attention to speakers, empathize with them, understand them, and get excited about their ideas. Humans not only crave stories, we need to hear them.

Players, preachers, pimps, and politicians have known for millennia that stories are powerful.  But triggering neurochemicals?


Speaking of narrative – young players out there understanding the power of narrative.

I could do a full TL DR, but basically give her a nickname during the initial # pull, and then reference/do call back humor during the text.


Around the Globe

I haven’t been this busy with work since Obama’s first term.

Anyway some quick shots.

What young, educated Chinese women want in a man today: a clingy “little puppy

“Refers to a man who is younger than his girlfriend, whose qualities in the eyes of his lover include being simple, naive, considerate, and caring—and most importantly, loyal and clingy, just like a pet.”


Battle of the Sciences.

Those who feel greater certainty that a prospective romantic partner reciprocates their interest will put more effort into seeing that person again, while rating the possible date as more sexually attractive than they would if they were less certain about the prospective date’s romantic intentions.


Women are more attracted to men when they are uncertain of his feelings, research finds.

So, the old dating advice about ‘playing hard-to-get’ may have some scientific basis.

It’s interesting to note that both tests involved “internet messages and profiles” as opposed to people going out and meeting folks.




Funny Girl

Hey, fellas
I’m talking to you, you and you too
Do you guys know who I’m talking to?
Those of you who go out and stay
Out all night and half the next day
And expect us to be home
When you get there
But let me tell you something
The sisters are not going for that no more
‘Cause we realize two things
That you aren’t doing anything for us
We can better do by ourselves
So from now on, we gonna use
What we got to get what we want

I try not to do much of the red pill shit on my own site. Between Rollo, the Forum, and all the other places – it’s real easy to generate a hate towards women.

The basic idea of the Red Pill was society has programmed us, and we should strive to break out of the programming.  By doing so, once we see the matrix, we know what the rules are, when to follow, when to break, and when to redesign.  The original incarnation of the Red Pill under PUA doctrine in the late 90’s/early 00’s – was that it was possible to run the dating game in “God Mode”.

Now?  Not so much.  If you believe what our community says, we’re feminizing boys and masculinizing girls.  That’s not some byproduct or side-effect, but the goal of the “powers” that be.  (Something about Soros, I dunno, ask Roseanne.)

But then you get stuff like this.

An article about teaching girls how to be funny.

With gems like this one

If comedy exists to dismantle power, it ought to be dominated by the people who are most familiar with disempowerment. Teenage girls—who are routinely sexualized, bullied, and made to question their own intelligence—certainly fit the bill.

Wait, what?

Another one

The radical Australian feminist whose theory of man-made language argues that language and discourse conventions are created and enforced by men, for men’s advantage

So why do we tremble when we hear the words, “We need to talk.”

One more for good measure

“Boys are definitely more likely to share their opinions in class,” says Heard, noting that political debates are particularly fraught. “They almost want to get humiliated, like they want to make a joke out of themselves. For boys it’s like, if they make a good point, they make a good point. But if they don’t, then it’s still funny for all their friends, it’s still a win.

This is their social lens.   Talking about stuff in class is about “winning”

And this is the professional that they leave us with

Objectively, the chick is well endowed.  But as anyone breathing who’s seen women perform comedy – it’s almost always body/bodily function/relationship humor. For folks that have been “oppressed” why are most of the jokes about breasts, blow jobs and bowel movements?

This ain’t the funniest thing in the world – but it’s funny – and not gendered


Game in the Wild

From time to time I link to articles that catch my fancy.

Here’s a quote from Humans of New York.

“There was a vibrancy back then. People would see us running but they’d be OK with it. Because we were young. We were allowed to take up space. You think you’ll act young forever but the rules change. Your audience won’t allow it. We’re programmed to see older people a certain way. You can almost chart it on a graph. You disappear as you age and the world notices you less and less. And it makes you realize how much energy you got from being noticed.”

Most folks will home in on “programmed”.  But the game thing I grab from this is the last line

how much energy you got from being noticed

Incels have been in the news lately, and as distinguished gentlemen we are always taking advantage of “Attention whor hounds”.

Both seem to be two sides of the same coin.

A trick I learned from an old school player.  What do you do, when she starts complaining?

You give her a task.

And to shout out to my Simpson’s crew.
